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Facility Would Bring Needed Health Care Services to Veterans Community, While Employing Hundreds of Area Workers 

NORTHFIELD Atlantic County Freeholder Candidates Angelo DeMaio, Sam Mento and John Devlin called on federal legislators to make the Kessler Veterans Hospital proposal part of the debate on health care reform.

Converting Kessler Hospital in Hammonton into a facility for veterans is a proposal that federal and state officials like Senator Jeff Van Drew and Senator Jim Whelan have been exploring in the months since the hospital shut down on March 12, 2009.  However, incumbent politicians Jim Curcio and Frank Giordano have been noticeably absent from the effort that would most benefit Atlantic County 's veterans and unemployed health professionals. 

Any comprehensive proposal on health care reform out of Washington should address the needs of our growing and aging veterans population, said Freeholder At Large candidate Angelo DeMaio, a career firefighter.  Ignoring the veterans population during this critical debate on health care would be unacceptable.

Atlantic County veterans have significant challenges in accessing the VA Health System that they shouldn't have to face, said Second District Freeholder candidate John Devlin, who is a former United States Marine.  These are the people who put their lives on the line for our nation and our freedom.  They should not be forced to skip medical appointments and defer procedures because the VA hospital is 60 miles away from home.  It is a travesty.

This would be an ideal way to provide needed health care services to our veterans, while putting some of the 450 health care professionals laid off by Kessler back to work, said Fifth District Freeholder candidate Sam Mento, a union carpenter, blueberry farmer, and lifelong Hammonton resident.  So much good could be accomplished if our county officials joined in the effort to make this proposal a reality.

The candidates support the Kessler site as the ideal location for a regional veterans hospital, given its previous use as a healthcare facility, easy access by train, bus, or car from major arteries like the AC Expressway, State Route 30 and Route 206 that run directly through town, and access to the local pool of over 450 health professionals who became unemployed when Kessler closed its doors.

Under current Veterans Administration rules, Atlantic County veterans are served by the VA Hospital in Delaware .  As such, veterans must travel 60 miles to attend routine and medically necessary doctors' appointments.  Transportation is only provided to the patients themselves, adding additional strain to veterans whose spouses and children are hindered in visiting or attending appointments with their loved ones because of the long distance.



Let's All work together to make this happen.  Our veterans need this.  Hopefully by Veteran's Day, all South Jersey Veterans can know that we care and that we hear them of their need for a South Jersey Veteran's hospital.



These 3 clowns should have been assigned to Jon Corzine's hospital closure committee because Jon Corzine has always planned to close Kessler Hospital since 1995 when he took office. These 3 clowns should have joined Curcio and Giordano when they asked Jon Corzine to allocate some of the $44,000,000 that was dedicated to Jon Corzine North Jersey hospitals.

Playing politics with the veterans should be off limits but Jon Corzine is one low down character. Van Drew and Corzine ..........always politics and rhetoric .......never real solutions!!!!!

Remember your ABC's this November.........."Anybody But Corzine".



Anonymous wrote:


Playing politics with the veterans should be off limits but Jon Corzine is one low down character. Van Drew and Corzine ..........always politics and rhetoric .......never real solutions!!!!!

Sounds like this guy wants everyone to be just like Curcio and Giordano and completely ignore the veterans.  We should just be quiet and hope they go away. Well, it is obvious that  the Democrats know the great debt we owe to our veterans and want to do all they can to repay that debt.

You can vote for Curcio and ignore our servicemen or you can vote for Mento and DeMeo and elect two individuals who will fight to take care of the people who continue to fight for our freedom.



DeMaio should keep track of his Atlantic City fire department instead of playing politics in Hammonton. Demaio is a very poor leader and does not warrant any support from Hammonton. He is the same character that sits on the AC School Board and ABSTAINS on a 6 to 5 vote allowing a 22% tax increase.

Too many compromised insiders control the Democrats. We need less grandstanding and politics and more efficient government at every level. I will be voting for Frank Giordano and Jim Curcio because they are fiscally responsible and much better at keeping the taxes lower than machine Democrats.



Anonymous wrote:


DeMaio should keep track of his Atlantic City fire department instead of playing politics in Hammonton. Demaio is a very poor leader and does not warrant any support from Hammonton. He is the same character that sits on the AC School Board and ABSTAINS on a 6 to 5 vote allowing a 22% tax increase.

Too many compromised insiders control the Democrats. We need less grandstanding and politics and more efficient government at every level. I will be voting for Frank Giordano and Jim Curcio because they are fiscally responsible and much better at keeping the taxes lower than machine Democrats.


Hi, Frank!  Can I have a large Pepperoni to go?




Corzin was a Marine.  He cares abouts the Vets. 

Curcio wrote a letter two days before Kessler went bankrupt. 
Then again his brother in law was lurking like a volture waiting for Kessler to collapse so he could steal our hospital for the cost of mereely 500 jobs.
They had there signs made to fit and were installed the day Kessler closed.
Curcio the double pension dipper and the pizza maker Giardano did NOTHING for kessler.



The Vets support HF and do whatever they ask them to do and in return HF shoves it up their you know what. If this doesn't benefit HF it ain't gonna happen!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


DeMaio should keep track of his Atlantic City fire department instead of playing politics in Hammonton. Demaio is a very poor leader and does not warrant any support from Hammonton. He is the same character that sits on the AC School Board and ABSTAINS on a 6 to 5 vote allowing a 22% tax increase.

Too many compromised insiders control the Democrats. We need less grandstanding and politics and more efficient government at every level. I will be voting for Frank Giordano and Jim Curcio because they are fiscally responsible and much better at keeping the taxes lower than machine Democrats.


Hi, Frank!  Can I have a large Pepperoni to go?


Mocking the small business owner and his family who work hard everyday of the year is classless? Many fellow Hammontonians also have small businesses (like Italian restaurants and pizza parlors) that pay all of the taxes imposed on them by Jon Corzine and the politicians in New Jersey.

Hopefully everyone in Hammonton realizes that Frank Giordano and his family operate a small family restaurant and pizzaria in Mays Landing vs. an Atlantic City insider who has the audacity to abstain on a 6 to 5 vote while sitting on the school board allowing a 22% tax increase on the local residents.

Corzine laughs at the working class people while pocketing all of the tax money thru GOLDMAN SACHS. The WALL STREET Wizard can go back to "HIGHRISE in HOBOKEN"!!!!!!




Get it straight.  DeMaio is not on the Atlantic City shool board.  He is a Captain and fire fighter instructor.  He is a leader of men and will be a great Freeholder.

When you talk of small business owners you must then be supporting Sam Mento. His family has operated a business in H,ammonton for three generatins.  Sam III has recently diversified himself,  when he purchased a blueberrry farm, that he owns and operates.  I will take that over a double dipping pension lawyer any day!



Why are the Republicans bashing a first responder?  DeMaio was given a award for bravery. He rushed into the collapased Tropican parking garage.  He has saved peoples lives.  Don't smear a hero.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


DeMaio should keep track of his Atlantic City fire department instead of playing politics in Hammonton. Demaio is a very poor leader and does not warrant any support from Hammonton. He is the same character that sits on the AC School Board and ABSTAINS on a 6 to 5 vote allowing a 22% tax increase.

Too many compromised insiders control the Democrats. We need less grandstanding and politics and more efficient government at every level. I will be voting for Frank Giordano and Jim Curcio because they are fiscally responsible and much better at keeping the taxes lower than machine Democrats.


Hi, Frank!  Can I have a large Pepperoni to go?


Mocking the small business owner and his family who work hard everyday of the year is classless? Many fellow Hammontonians also have small businesses (like Italian restaurants and pizza parlors) that pay all of the taxes imposed on them by Jon Corzine and the politicians in New Jersey.

Hopefully everyone in Hammonton realizes that Frank Giordano and his family operate a small family restaurant and pizzaria in Mays Landing vs. an Atlantic City insider who has the audacity to abstain on a 6 to 5 vote while sitting on the school board allowing a 22% tax increase on the local residents.

Corzine laughs at the working class people while pocketing all of the tax money thru GOLDMAN SACHS. The WALL STREET Wizard can go back to "HIGHRISE in HOBOKEN"!!!!!!



Wow, I say a simple joke and you blow it up to be as if I said something false.  I've said that to him to his face half the time I've see him.  It's a joke.  He laughs it off, so should you. 




Anonymous wrote:

Get it straight.  DeMaio is not on the Atlantic City shool board.  He is a Captain and fire fighter instructor.  He is a leader of men and will be a great Freeholder.

When you talk of small business owners you must then be supporting Sam Mento. His family has operated a business in H,ammonton for three generatins.  Sam III has recently diversified himself,  when he purchased a blueberrry farm, that he owns and operates.  I will take that over a double dipping pension lawyer any day!

Keep ripping a hero Fire Fighter.  He is not on the scool board he will soon be on the freeholder board




Anonymous wrote:

Why are the Republicans bashing a first responder?  DeMaio was given a award for bravery. He rushed into the collapased Tropican parking garage.  He has saved peoples lives.  Don't smear a hero.

Frank did get a band aid for his minimum wage employee when bumped the pizza oven.  he is a hero too.



RE: Republican Response

Subject: Curcio, Giordano & Formica: Democrats Failed to Act to Save Kessler Memorial Hospital


Challenge opponents to stand up to Corzine and corrupt North Jersey party bosses instead of passing the buck.



Freeholders Jim Curcio, Frank Giordano and Second District Freeholder candidate Frank Formica say their opponents must first explain why Kessler Memorial Hospital was denied state funding before abdicating the responsibility to Washington.


The Democrat Freeholder candidates just recently called for federal legislators to include Kessler Hospital in the health care reform debate. Their plea for federal help ignores the fact that state officials had a chance to save Kessler here at home.


Frank Giordano and I worked tirelessly to try to save Kessler Hospital and repeatedly called on Governor Corzine to re-allocate funds from the $44 million dollar aid package to keep Kessler Hospital afloat, said Curcio. Its completely unconscionable that Corzine failed to act to save Kessler and allowed politics to play a role.


Curcio noted that nearly 98% of the emergency money earmarked for community hospitals went to five North Jersey cities that provide a support base for Corzines re-election effort.


Kessler Memorial Hospital was the largest employer in Hammonton and those employees were sacrificed so other politically connected hospitals could benefit, said Giordano. Now, our opponents are running for office and theyve conveniently decided to charge Washington with the responsibility of rescuing Kessler clearly sidestepping the source of accountability.


Curcio, Giordano and Formica challenged their opponents to step out from the shadow of Governor Corzine and truthfully address the process in which state funds are doled out as political favors.


The Democrat Freeholder candidates are in the tank for Jon Corzine and will only protect the status quo, which rewards North Jersey political power brokers at the expense of South Jersey residents, said Formica. Our opponents have a clear choice: will they demonstrate independent thinking and a willingness to challenge the system, or will they be just another group of special-interest controlled politicians who delegate their responsibilities elsewhere?


Atlantic County taxpayers beware, said Giordano. Our opponents are hiding the truth about Kessler, and now we know why theyre afraid to upset the political bosses who apparently run their campaign and will run county government if they win in November.



Curcio, Formica and Giordano are showing there complete disregard for the truth and facts once again. They know the reason why Kessler did not receive the help they are talking about, but they did nothing to fix the situation and so they are trying to hide from the truth.
Gov. Corzine made a simple request of the Kessler Board and they refused to provide him with the information. The Governor wanted a copy of the plan for the future to get the hospital out of bankruptcy and the plan for the future. The board ignored his request and the Freeholders did nothing to get that info and save our hospital. They would have been the first ones ridiculing the Governor if he handed out taxpayer money to any organization who could not provide a sound business plan for the use of that money. But since it serves their purpose to ignore the facts, they instead distort the facts to try and win back some votes.
Atlantic County taxpayers beware, do you want freeholders who are either blind to the way things should be done or are willing to lie for your votes?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

None of the baseless and ridiculous accusations made by the Atlantic County Republicans change anything planned by Mento and Demeo. They will continue to work for a VA facility at the Kessler site to provide the best possible service to the men and women who have given of themselves to fight for our freedom. And they also will work to keep a first class emergency facility in operation at Kessler to ensure the safety and life giving services for the residents of Hammonton and the surrounding communities.
Curcio & Giordano couldn't do anything, it's time to elect new representatives to the Freeholder board who will work hard for the people they represent.



You guys are acting like a bunch of babies! Grow up and stick to the facts. We need to worry about more important things like HF giving all Hammonton taxpayers a tax rebate since our town in overflowing with money. Show me the money!!!!!!!



When we allow government to partner up with everything we are in big trouble. The government will decide everything and who gets healthcare. The Democrats want to control healthcare and decide who gets care and what gets re-imbursed and what doesn't. Corzine formed a "HOSPITAL CLOSURE COMMISSION" during his first year in office. He always wanted to close the small rural hospitals relocating the jobs and money to his urban power centers.

Playing politics with veterans and Kessler hospital is typical for Corzine's Democrats. JON CORZINE closed Kessler Hospital: unfunded state mandates and no state re-imbursements did contribute to Kessler's downfall.

It is not hard to connect the dots here with Corzine. He stinks.




No HF closed Kessler Hospital. The D brothers supposedly saved our town and our school well if they were that good why couldn't they save Kessler Hospital? Ah because they are not that good! Did you ever think about the greedy board members who refused to release the books? Hey when you have nothing to hide you prove what you are saying is correct and show the facts. Sound familiar? HF is doing the same they say we are in great shape but actions show otherwise and they can't prove we are in good shape they just avoid the questions and talk about how great they are. Town hall is falling apart just ride by it and the new Senior Center is sinking in the lake. In a financial crises you make sure these jobs are done right the first time especially when you are spending millions of taxpayer money! When will they be showing the Dumb and Dumber movie at Eagle Theater?



This year is a critical election year. People really need to think do you want to elect wealthy businessman who are looking out for their own interest or average middle class people who are looking out for our interest? The town is $45 million dollars in debt and both of the town's Republican Party's are still borrowing and spending like crazy. Leaves little choice give the DEMOCRATS a chance to prove themselves!



Off the subject. What the hell is up with the Police Dept. office. Every time I need something it's either closed or some airhead tells me they don't normally work in that department and can't help me! I'm starting to get pissed off. What are my tax dollars being spent on if I can't get service what else is there? I'm sorry I ever moved here. This town is getting worst everyday!!!!!!



The new Town Hall is falling apart all the stucco is removed. The Gazzette needs to do a story on this. We as taxpayers want to know what is happening to that building? and how much more money is this costing the taxpayers? We should have never built that building it's too big anyway.



Anonymous wrote:

Off the subject. What the hell is up with the Police Dept. office. Every time I need something it's either closed or some airhead tells me they don't normally work in that department and can't help me! I'm starting to get pissed off. What are my tax dollars being spent on if I can't get service what else is there? I'm sorry I ever moved here. This town is getting worst everyday!!!!!!




stop being silly joe ingemi



Anonymous wrote:


When we allow government to partner up with everything we are in big trouble. The government will decide everything and who gets healthcare. The Democrats want to control healthcare and decide who gets care and what gets re-imbursed and what doesn't. Corzine formed a "HOSPITAL CLOSURE COMMISSION" during his first year in office. He always wanted to close the small rural hospitals relocating the jobs and money to his urban power centers.

Playing politics with veterans and Kessler hospital is typical for Corzine's Democrats. JON CORZINE closed Kessler Hospital: unfunded state mandates and no state re-imbursements did contribute to Kessler's downfall.

It is not hard to connect the dots here with Corzine. He stinks.



Kessler was doomed the moment President Bush give millions towards his push for Regional Hospitals.  Kessler was not deemed a regional hospital.  Atlanticare, Virtua, Kennedy, and Cooper were.




It really saddens me to see the wasteful spending on projects downtown.  We could have had a tax decrease with no loss in services like we've had but greedy HF just want to fix up their properties with our money.  They shouldn't be allowed to false advertise that they are for Hammonton First when Hammonton is last them.



The Democrats are working hard to make kessler a VA hospital with a first class emergency room for all residents.  Curcio did nothing, the guy who is in Jail, Van Pelt did nothing, Giordano did nothing.  The kessler board refused to give Corzine the info he requested.  He wanted to help, they didn't even file the paper work.  This is all factual, you can OPRAH the correspondence.  I love that the Republicans are against kessler reopening, it is the gift that keeps on giving.

The Republicans keep bashing the Dems for making an effort.  I guess when you have no plan or ideas all you can do is Nay Say.



Who is running for the Republicans? I know that Jimmy the double dipper is in a real tough race.  Sam Mento's campaign is building momentun, and the local Dems headed up by Mayoral candidate Joe ingemi are strong this year.
I want our hospital back.  I want my town back. I'm voting Democatic this year.


Christie leads Corzine by 22% in South Jersey......Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!

The Republicans running are as follows:

1) GOP Governor Chris Christie over Jon Corzine (The WALL STREET Wizard who stole $600,000,000)
2) GOP Assemblyman Vince Polistina and John Amodeo over 2 guys from Atlantic City
3) GOP Freeholder Chairman Jim Curcio, Frank Giordano & Frank Formica over Sam Mento and 2 guys from AC.
4) GOP Mayor Anthony Marino over Joe Ingemi and John Didonato.
5) GOP Councilwomen Maria Brita, Annie Carpo & Linda Goff over Pullia, Gribblen and Barbario and 3 guys from the Democrats (???????).

GOP Sweep from Christie to Carpo!!!!!

ABC = "ANYBODY but CORSLIME"!!!!!!! (Hip Hip Hooray......Corzine will go away!!!!!)



Chris Christie and Carl Rove, perfect together.



Anonymous wrote:

Chris Christie and Carl Rove, perfect together.

Chistie says it was the proudest day of his life when President George Bush made him a Federal Peosecuter.  He hopes to be the same type of leader that his Mentors George W and Dick Cheany were.




Anonymous wrote:

The Republicans running are as follows:

1) GOP Governor Chris Christie over Jon Corzine (The WALL STREET Wizard who stole $600,000,000)
2) GOP Assemblyman Vince Polistina and John Amodeo over 2 guys from Atlantic City
3) GOP Freeholder Chairman Jim Curcio, Frank Giordano & Frank Formica over Sam Mento and 2 guys from AC.
4) GOP Mayor Anthony Marino over Joe Ingemi and John Didonato.
5) GOP Councilwomen Maria Brita, Annie Carpo & Linda Goff over Pullia, Gribblen and Barbario and 3 guys from the Democrats (???????).

GOP Sweep from Christie to Carpo!!!!!

ABC = "ANYBODY but CORSLIME"!!!!!!! (Hip Hip Hooray......Corzine will go away!!!!!)

What poll shows Christie ahead by 22% in South Jersey?

The Polling Institute has Christie ahead by 16% as of 8/14/09. Stop exaggerating




Republicans just don't get IT.  They don't get why more and more people are leaving the Republican party. I am no way happy with our Democratic governor but surely the NJ GOP could have found someone better than Christie.  The more and more you learn about Christie the more I am disgusted in politics.  I though Christie was picked because he was someone good.  Looks like the Reps blew their chance.



How come when people ask questions about the Town Hall falling down or the town's finances or the Senior Center sinking into the lake or the layoffs or the water and sewer to the bowling alley HF refuses to answer WHY WHY WHY? We must really be in sad shape if they can't answer these very basic questions. The State of NJ is in severe financial trouble yet they had no layoffs they furloughed the state employees and didn't cut services so that just goes to show how bad off Hammonton really is!!!!!!!



Atlantic City is having their air show today and tomorrow. Since HF spent millions of taxpayers dollars to renovate our airport that less than a handful of people use, are we going to have an airshow? Oh I forgot HF also fired the man who organizes the airshows. How dumb of me I keep forgetting no events in Hammonton are allowed we have to spend our tax dollars to help the rich get richer.



Anonymous wrote:

The new Town Hall is falling apart all the stucco is removed. The Gazzette needs to do a story on this. We as taxpayers want to know what is happening to that building? and how much more money is this costing the taxpayers? We should have never built that building it's too big anyway.

 First you complained when Steve DiDonato built the building it was too small.  Now you complain it is too big.  Are you going to complain about Steve DiDonato having fixed the school now?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The new Town Hall is falling apart all the stucco is removed. The Gazzette needs to do a story on this. We as taxpayers want to know what is happening to that building? and how much more money is this costing the taxpayers? We should have never built that building it's too big anyway.

 First you complained when Steve DiDonato built the building it was too small.  Now you complain it is too big.  Are you going to complain about Steve DiDonato having fixed the school now?

I think the school that Steve DiDonato solely saved without anyone's help should be used as the site for Stockton's classes.  It's such a wonderful facility.




Who is Steve DiDonato?



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

The new Town Hall is falling apart all the stucco is removed. The Gazzette needs to do a story on this. We as taxpayers want to know what is happening to that building? and how much more money is this costing the taxpayers? We should have never built that building it's too big anyway.

 First you complained when Steve DiDonato built the building it was too small.  Now you complain it is too big.  Are you going to complain about Steve DiDonato having fixed the school now?

The truth is Steve is not the one fixing the school, but is the guy who wanted to give main street 1.5 million of your tax dollars for stockton and the same guy who helped to fund the town budget from the school side.  I have heard that Steve didn't even want to fix the school...of course not, more money for the down town....now he says hes will be for all 4 cornors of Hammonton.what about the free sewer and dirt.get real. This candidate has plenty of baggage, and its all about to come out 




Anonymous wrote:

Who is Steve DiDonato?

Steve is the next mayor of Hammonton.  He is basically running unopposed since everyone else is stuck campaigning against the past.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Who is Steve DiDonato?

Steve is the next mayor of Hammonton.  He is basically running unopposed since everyone else is stuck campaigning against the past.

Steve DiDonato will win by a landslide.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Who is Steve DiDonato?

Steve is the next mayor of Hammonton.  He is basically running unopposed since everyone else is stuck campaigning against the past.

Steve DiDonato will win by a landslide.


Steve is in the fight of his life, the only one that don't see it coming is you. His baggage will get the best him. Plus his very famous temper.He's not Johnny.



John Didonato making an endorsement for mayor?

Whoever can land the endorsement of Mayor John Didonato will be the frontrunner for mayor in Hammonton. Will he be making an endorsement before election day?



Anonymous wrote:

Whoever can land the endorsement of Mayor John Didonato will be the frontrunner for mayor in Hammonton. Will he be making an endorsement before election day?

We need to thank the DiDonato brothers for saving our town and school. Just think before John became Mayor we had a 4 million dollar surplus. Now we are 45 million dollars in debt, millions spent on senseless projects - downtown spent all that money and stores still closed, town hall falling down, senior center sinking into the lake, water and sewer to the bowling alley, Eagle Theater that the youth group doesn't even use. Cut services, laid off employees and increased permit fees. We are paying more for less!! No more kids camp at the lake, no more July 4th, no more senior citizen prom no more of anything good. And the brother - overseer of town hall project that is now falling down, kids in high school are graduating but can't read or write, all of our school are filled with illegal drugs, hundreds of illegal immigrants are getting a free education on our hard earned tax dollars. Sounds to me like we were better off without them. DON'T VOTE HAMMONTON FIRST we can't afford any more debt and mismanagement!!!




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Whoever can land the endorsement of Mayor John Didonato will be the frontrunner for mayor in Hammonton. Will he be making an endorsement before election day?

We need to thank the DiDonato brothers for saving our town and school. Just think before John became Mayor we had a 4 million dollar surplus. Now we are 45 million dollars in debt, millions spent on senseless projects - downtown spent all that money and stores still closed, town hall falling down, senior center sinking into the lake, water and sewer to the bowling alley, Eagle Theater that the youth group doesn't even use. Cut services, laid off employees and increased permit fees. We are paying more for less!! No more kids camp at the lake, no more July 4th, no more senior citizen prom no more of anything good. And the brother - overseer of town hall project that is now falling down, kids in high school are graduating but can't read or write, all of our school are filled with illegal drugs, hundreds of illegal immigrants are getting a free education on our hard earned tax dollars. Sounds to me like we were better off without them. DON'T VOTE HAMMONTON FIRST we can't afford any more debt and mismanagement!!!


Rich Jacobus has really said a mouthful with this posting. I am moving to the Dafur or Nicaruga where the people are really happy with the local government.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Whoever can land the endorsement of Mayor John Didonato will be the frontrunner for mayor in Hammonton. Will he be making an endorsement before election day?

We need to thank the DiDonato brothers for saving our town and school. Just think before John became Mayor we had a 4 million dollar surplus. Now we are 45 million dollars in debt, millions spent on senseless projects - downtown spent all that money and stores still closed, town hall falling down, senior center sinking into the lake, water and sewer to the bowling alley, Eagle Theater that the youth group doesn't even use. Cut services, laid off employees and increased permit fees. We are paying more for less!! No more kids camp at the lake, no more July 4th, no more senior citizen prom no more of anything good. And the brother - overseer of town hall project that is now falling down, kids in high school are graduating but can't read or write, all of our school are filled with illegal drugs, hundreds of illegal immigrants are getting a free education on our hard earned tax dollars. Sounds to me like we were better off without them. DON'T VOTE HAMMONTON FIRST we can't afford any more debt and mismanagement!!!


Rich Jacobus has really said a mouthful with this posting. I am moving to the Dafur or Nicaruga where the people are really happy with the local government.



I got the information from the ad he did. He tells the truth. The Gazzette used to let people know what was going on in town now he covers everything up because his puppets are in office and they are doing whatever he tells them to and does want the taxpayers to know because our town might be bankrupt before the election. The Gazzette only trashes people that he doesn't like or is afraid of and he makes stuff up it's not even the truth. I guess that's the only thing that makes him happy. yawn




Just when I thought it couldnt get any funnier. HF wants the financially burdened taxpayers to donate and drop off backpacks at their headquarters so they can donate them and give them to the needy children of our community. Let me get this straight - we donate the backpacks HF gets the credit and HF gets the write off. They really know how to use our money to their advantage. Next they will want us to donate the veggies for their bags!!! biggrin



The only time I've read anything against HF was about the trees in park.  But they in turn blamed us the taxpayers for not saying anything in the first place.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Whoever can land the endorsement of Mayor John Didonato will be the frontrunner for mayor in Hammonton. Will he be making an endorsement before election day?

We need to thank the DiDonato brothers for saving our town and school. Just think before John became Mayor we had a 4 million dollar surplus. Now we are 45 million dollars in debt, millions spent on senseless projects - downtown spent all that money and stores still closed, town hall falling down, senior center sinking into the lake, water and sewer to the bowling alley, Eagle Theater that the youth group doesn't even use. Cut services, laid off employees and increased permit fees. We are paying more for less!! No more kids camp at the lake, no more July 4th, no more senior citizen prom no more of anything good. And the brother - overseer of town hall project that is now falling down, kids in high school are graduating but can't read or write, all of our school are filled with illegal drugs, hundreds of illegal immigrants are getting a free education on our hard earned tax dollars. Sounds to me like we were better off without them. DON'T VOTE HAMMONTON FIRST we can't afford any more debt and mismanagement!!!


Rich Jacobus has really said a mouthful with this posting. I am moving to the Dafur or Nicaruga where the people are really happy with the local government.


The town's auditor as well as Standard and Poor's were able to verify that the town's surplus went up and the debt went down while John DiDonato was Mayor.  Taxes also stayed down.

Steve DiDonato will win by a huge margin in this election.  Why would anybody not vote for him?




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Whoever can land the endorsement of Mayor John Didonato will be the frontrunner for mayor in Hammonton. Will he be making an endorsement before election day?

We need to thank the DiDonato brothers for saving our town and school. Just think before John became Mayor we had a 4 million dollar surplus. Now we are 45 million dollars in debt, millions spent on senseless projects - downtown spent all that money and stores still closed, town hall falling down, senior center sinking into the lake, water and sewer to the bowling alley, Eagle Theater that the youth group doesn't even use. Cut services, laid off employees and increased permit fees. We are paying more for less!! No more kids camp at the lake, no more July 4th, no more senior citizen prom no more of anything good. And the brother - overseer of town hall project that is now falling down, kids in high school are graduating but can't read or write, all of our school are filled with illegal drugs, hundreds of illegal immigrants are getting a free education on our hard earned tax dollars. Sounds to me like we were better off without them. DON'T VOTE HAMMONTON FIRST we can't afford any more debt and mismanagement!!!


Rich Jacobus has really said a mouthful with this posting. I am moving to the Dafur or Nicaruga where the people are really happy with the local government.


The town's auditor as well as Standard and Poor's were able to verify that the town's surplus went up and the debt went down while John DiDonato was Mayor.  Taxes also stayed down.

Steve DiDonato will win by a huge margin in this election.  Why would anybody not vote for him?



That's because the auditor only looks at what he is told. If the town's surplus went up then why did you and why will you continue to lay off town employee's? WHY WHY WHY. You keep ignoring this question. If you don't answer to the layoffs that means the town is broke! Stop avoiding the truth. Actions speak louder than words.




The town clerk recomended the layoff's , because of the decreased work load.   If the employees took the furlough like every other town is doing this would not have happened. 
Look around at other towns and what they pay in taxes. and increases and layoff's or furloughs. 
surpluss is up taxes r down, debt is lower, bond rating is up,  new town hall, new rec center,
No other party has a plan. under HF hammonton has never looked so good. 



Anonymous wrote:

The town clerk recomended the layoff's , because of the decreased work load.   If the employees took the furlough like every other town is doing this would not have happened. 
Look around at other towns and what they pay in taxes. and increases and layoff's or furloughs. 
surpluss is up taxes r down, debt is lower, bond rating is up,  new town hall, new rec center,
No other party has a plan. under HF hammonton has never looked so good. 

John  DiDonato did a great job, now Steve DiDonato will be the next mayor by a big margin.



Anonymous wrote:

The town clerk recomended the layoff's , because of the decreased work load.   If the employees took the furlough like every other town is doing this would not have happened. 
Look around at other towns and what they pay in taxes. and increases and layoff's or furloughs. 
surpluss is up taxes r down, debt is lower, bond rating is up,  new town hall, new rec center,
No other party has a plan. under HF hammonton has never looked so good.

Town Clerk was forced to recommend layoffs she said with her own mouth the town is BROKE! No decreased workload in Court and Police their workload is way up! The reason why the clerks office is still over staffed is because they order breakfast, lunch and dinner from restaurants downtown and have it delivered to town hall - they keep downtown in business. The town employees voted unanimously to do furloughs but Mayor and Council didn't want to comply with the rules yet the state and everyone else can comply to save jobs. Hammonton can't afford to save jobs - they will be bankrupt before the election. No other party has ever bankrupt our town. President Obama is doing to our country what you have done to our town. Read Jacobus's ad for more infomation! Your lies have been exposed give it up your going down hard!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

The town clerk recomended the layoff's , because of the decreased work load.   If the employees took the furlough like every other town is doing this would not have happened. 
Look around at other towns and what they pay in taxes. and increases and layoff's or furloughs. 
surpluss is up taxes r down, debt is lower, bond rating is up,  new town hall, new rec center,
No other party has a plan. under HF hammonton has never looked so good.

Town Clerk was forced to recommend layoffs she said with her own mouth the town is BROKE! No decreased workload in Court and Police their workload is way up! The reason why the clerks office is still over staffed is because they order breakfast, lunch and dinner from restaurants downtown and have it delivered to town hall - they keep downtown in business. The town employees voted unanimously to do furloughs but Mayor and Council didn't want to comply with the rules yet the state and everyone else can comply to save jobs. Hammonton can't afford to save jobs - they will be bankrupt before the election. No other party has ever bankrupt our town. President Obama is doing to our country what you have done to our town. Read Jacobus's ad for more infomation! Your lies have been exposed give it up your going down hard!



The town looks good with your eyes closed. Look at our downtown falling down and abandoned, town hall falling down, senior center falling into lake not to mention the mass confusion when dropping off kids for football practice. What a huge mess that others will have to somehow try to fix. The taxpayers didn't want this, the taxpayers didn't ask for this but HF did it anyway. Why Why not have saved all that money and used it for recreation for the kids??




Downtown is falling down : that's why you hang out downtown every night.  the stucco is being fixed. the rec center is a huge asset to the town and the parking is being fixed at the lake.    THE EMPLOYEES DID NOT AGREE TO THE FURLOUGH.   YOU GUYS LIE SO MUCH YOU BELIVE IT.



Anonymous wrote:

Downtown is falling down : that's why you hang out downtown every night.  the stucco is being fixed. the rec center is a huge asset to the town and the parking is being fixed at the lake.    THE EMPLOYEES DID NOT AGREE TO THE FURLOUGH.   YOU GUYS LIE SO MUCH YOU BELIVE IT.

Steve DiDonato will lead an HF sweep.




Anonymous wrote:


Downtown is falling down : that's why you hang out downtown every night.  the stucco is being fixed. the rec center is a huge asset to the town and the parking is being fixed at the lake.    THE EMPLOYEES DID NOT AGREE TO THE FURLOUGH.   YOU GUYS LIE SO MUCH YOU BELIVE IT.


Our downtown looks like Harlem or worst! The stucco never should have fallen off a new building just like the plastic railing should have never broken that's what happens when you use cheap residential left over materials to build a commercial building. The rec center is a big waste of money everyone is complaining and hates it. HF used all the surplus from the Water and Sewer depts. to help pay for this. We would have rathered had a tax rebate. THE EMPLOYEES DEFINATELY TOOK A VOTE AND VOTED FOR FURLOUGHS IT'S IN WRITING THEY CAN PROVE IT!!!! YOU CAN'T DENY IT ASK YOUR LITTLE PUPPET APRIL WHO LIED TO YOU AND MADE A FOOL OF YOU. APRIL DIDN'T WANT FURLOUGHS BECAUSE HER AND HER HUSBAND BOTH WORK FOR THE TOWN AND SHE DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE A DOUBLE HIT. THE VOTE IS IN BLACK AND WHITE THAT'S WHY THE EMPLOYEES ARE MAD BECAUSE THEY DID VOTE TO FURLOUGH but Mayor and Council didn't want to comply with the rules - that's nothing new. If HF gets elected again we will be in a total solar eclipse for 4 more years!!!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Downtown is falling down : that's why you hang out downtown every night.  the stucco is being fixed. the rec center is a huge asset to the town and the parking is being fixed at the lake.    THE EMPLOYEES DID NOT AGREE TO THE FURLOUGH.   YOU GUYS LIE SO MUCH YOU BELIVE IT.


Our downtown looks like Harlem or worst! The stucco never should have fallen off a new building just like the plastic railing should have never broken that's what happens when you use cheap residential left over materials to build a commercial building. The rec center is a big waste of money everyone is complaining and hates it. HF used all the surplus from the Water and Sewer depts. to help pay for this. We would have rathered had a tax rebate. THE EMPLOYEES DEFINATELY TOOK A VOTE AND VOTED FOR FURLOUGHS IT'S IN WRITING THEY CAN PROVE IT!!!! YOU CAN'T DENY IT ASK YOUR LITTLE PUPPET APRIL WHO LIED TO YOU AND MADE A FOOL OF YOU. APRIL DIDN'T WANT FURLOUGHS BECAUSE HER AND HER HUSBAND BOTH WORK FOR THE TOWN AND SHE DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE A DOUBLE HIT. THE VOTE IS IN BLACK AND WHITE THAT'S WHY THE EMPLOYEES ARE MAD BECAUSE THEY DID VOTE TO FURLOUGH but Mayor and Council didn't want to comply with the rules - that's nothing new. If HF gets elected again we will be in a total solar eclipse for 4 more years!!!



It seems to me these HF businessmen are not very good with our money. If all the town employees were willing to take furloughs that would have saved the town more money than the layoffs because all the high paid employees would be taking off too. Laying off the low paid people doesn't save much money but when the top dogs have to give up some of their big salaries that's where you save the money and the taxpayer would not have to be inconvenienced by cut services.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Downtown is falling down : that's why you hang out downtown every night.  the stucco is being fixed. the rec center is a huge asset to the town and the parking is being fixed at the lake.    THE EMPLOYEES DID NOT AGREE TO THE FURLOUGH.   YOU GUYS LIE SO MUCH YOU BELIVE IT.


Our downtown looks like Harlem or worst! The stucco never should have fallen off a new building just like the plastic railing should have never broken that's what happens when you use cheap residential left over materials to build a commercial building. The rec center is a big waste of money everyone is complaining and hates it. HF used all the surplus from the Water and Sewer depts. to help pay for this. We would have rathered had a tax rebate. THE EMPLOYEES DEFINATELY TOOK A VOTE AND VOTED FOR FURLOUGHS IT'S IN WRITING THEY CAN PROVE IT!!!! YOU CAN'T DENY IT ASK YOUR LITTLE PUPPET APRIL WHO LIED TO YOU AND MADE A FOOL OF YOU. APRIL DIDN'T WANT FURLOUGHS BECAUSE HER AND HER HUSBAND BOTH WORK FOR THE TOWN AND SHE DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE A DOUBLE HIT. THE VOTE IS IN BLACK AND WHITE THAT'S WHY THE EMPLOYEES ARE MAD BECAUSE THEY DID VOTE TO FURLOUGH but Mayor and Council didn't want to comply with the rules - that's nothing new. If HF gets elected again we will be in a total solar eclipse for 4 more years!!!



It seems to me these HF businessmen are not very good with our money. If all the town employees were willing to take furloughs that would have saved the town more money than the layoffs because all the high paid employees would be taking off too. Laying off the low paid people doesn't save much money but when the top dogs have to give up some of their big salaries that's where you save the money and the taxpayer would not have to be inconvenienced by cut services.


The employees refused the furloughs.



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Posts: 1241

Why are you accusing the Mayor of lying???
The employees voted to take the layoffs, but the Mayor said that the State would not allow the plan the Mayor wanted to use. He wanted to have rolling layoffs but the state said an entire department would have to be closed for a day. The Mayor would not use any other plan than the one he proposed and therefore opted for layoffs instead of the furloughs. It was the Mayor's decision despite the vote by the employees to do the furloughs. That is what he said in the newspapers.



Hammonton First always accuses the Republicans and Democrats of bashing. It is obvious from the previous statement that Hammonton First is bashing their own party because they do not agree with the actions of the Mayor and Council.



Admin wrote:

Why are you accusing the Mayor of lying???
The employees voted to take the layoffs, but the Mayor said that the State would not allow the plan the Mayor wanted to use. He wanted to have rolling layoffs but the state said an entire department would have to be closed for a day. The Mayor would not use any other plan than the one he proposed and therefore opted for layoffs instead of the furloughs. It was the Mayor's decision despite the vote by the employees to do the furloughs. That is what he said in the newspapers.

Of coarse the Mayor is lying it's a bad habit of his. If it is true that the town is in great financial shape then they would call back the employees they laid off especially before an election. When you have employees that are willing to furlough why would you layoff instead? Makes no sense at all especially if the employees have the proof of their unanimous vote to furlough and they have proof the workload is up. The state as we all know is deep in debt so if they can furlough and Hammonton is suppose to be in great financial shape why would we layoff? LAYOFFS = DEEP FINANCIAL DEBT  FURLOUGHS = JUST TRYING TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE TAXPAYERS. Hammonton must be worst off than the state to layoff before an election. Doesn't look good for these suppose to be smart politicians.




I know Jimmy he is a nice guy but, what has he done for hammonton? I am a registered Republican, but I vote for the individuals not the party. When Hammonotn First came to the rescue I was impressed by there positive message. They got things done and didnt raise taxes. I think we now have to make a change in our county government. I am voting for Sam Mento he is an independant minded individual who will bring more then a rubber stamp to the Freeholder Board.

Current score

I guess Mento is running with HF how do the Dems feel about that?

Current score: 1


Ha Ha HA  The Dems lost there big gun. 



Just because the HF party members are all voting for Sam Mento, doesnt mean he is running with them. Sam is a true blue Democrat, but he will represent ALL of Hammonton and Atlantic County wether they are Democrats, Republicans or Hammonton First.



Did you hear the latest the Mayor of Philadelphia says the city is broke and has to lay off employees. At least he admits it. It's funny because our school says they are in great shape financially they have had no layoffs and no furloughs. The town says the same thing we are in great shape financially our town laid off employees. You can figure out the rest.



Anonymous wrote:

Did you hear the latest the Mayor of Philadelphia says the city is broke and has to lay off employees. At least he admits it. It's funny because our school says they are in great shape financially they have had no layoffs and no furloughs. The town says the same thing we are in great shape financially our town laid off employees. You can figure out the rest.

 I guess it is great to see that Steve DiDonato is running for mayor.  He saved the school finances after years of mismanagement.  He is a lock to win this November.



Anonymous wrote:

I guess it is great to see that Steve DiDonato is running for mayor.  He saved the school finances after years of mismanagement.  He is a lock to win this November.


Now Steve is posting for himself, trying to get some support.



This is sooo funny now that HF got caught in another lie about the employees willing to take furloughs even the high paid employees which would save the taxpayers a bundle. HF changes the subject and keeps says another DiDonato for Mayor if you can't trust one how can you trust the other?



Anonymous wrote:

This is sooo funny now that HF got caught in another lie about the employees willing to take furloughs even the high paid employees which would save the taxpayers a bundle. HF changes the subject and keeps says another DiDonato for Mayor if you can't trust one how can you trust the other?

Let's take a look at the HF slate:
DiDonato - got hundreds of loads of taxpayer dirt from the airport and lake park for free - I guess that's why we had to spend millions on those senseless projects. Overseer of town hall where building codes were violated by used residential grade materials instead of commercial grade over budget 10 million dollar town hall falling down.
Pullia - his family owned insurance co, has insured the town for years. They just drastically increased the premiums for the insurance down at the lake park. His family were all board members at Kessler Hospital - you can figure out the rest.
Barberio - only been a Hammonton resident for a few years destroyed our lake park since he had no memories there and doesn't even care what the people think because they are going to take down another 20 trees in the fall. Also in violation of the Hatch Act.
Gribbin - just what we need another attorney on council who will be pulled around by this nose ring to revise all the town ordinances to add fees to them so the taxpayers have to keep on paying!
Remember if you vote HF they have a lot to gain and we the taxpayers have a lot to lose.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

This is sooo funny now that HF got caught in another lie about the employees willing to take furloughs even the high paid employees which would save the taxpayers a bundle. HF changes the subject and keeps says another DiDonato for Mayor if you can't trust one how can you trust the other?

Let's take a look at the HF slate:
DiDonato - got hundreds of loads of taxpayer dirt from the airport and lake park for free - I guess that's why we had to spend millions on those senseless projects. Overseer of town hall where building codes were violated by used residential grade materials instead of commercial grade over budget 10 million dollar town hall falling down.
Pullia - his family owned insurance co, has insured the town for years. They just drastically increased the premiums for the insurance down at the lake park. His family were all board members at Kessler Hospital - you can figure out the rest.
Barberio - only been a Hammonton resident for a few years destroyed our lake park since he had no memories there and doesn't even care what the people think because they are going to take down another 20 trees in the fall. Also in violation of the Hatch Act.
Gribbin - just what we need another attorney on council who will be pulled around by this nose ring to revise all the town ordinances to add fees to them so the taxpayers have to keep on paying!
Remember if you vote HF they have a lot to gain and we the taxpayers have a lot to lose.



Even Governor Corzine isn't dumb enough to layoff state employees before an election. There are 4 seats up this election one being for Mayor. If HF wants to prove to the people that the town is not broke then they should recall the employees they laid off and put this bankruptcy issue to rest once and for all. Come on HF show the taxpayers and everyone else that our great town is not broke.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

This is sooo funny now that HF got caught in another lie about the employees willing to take furloughs even the high paid employees which would save the taxpayers a bundle. HF changes the subject and keeps says another DiDonato for Mayor if you can't trust one how can you trust the other?

Let's take a look at the HF slate:
DiDonato - got hundreds of loads of taxpayer dirt from the airport and lake park for free - I guess that's why we had to spend millions on those senseless projects. Overseer of town hall where building codes were violated by used residential grade materials instead of commercial grade over budget 10 million dollar town hall falling down.
Pullia - his family owned insurance co, has insured the town for years. They just drastically increased the premiums for the insurance down at the lake park. His family were all board members at Kessler Hospital - you can figure out the rest.
Barberio - only been a Hammonton resident for a few years destroyed our lake park since he had no memories there and doesn't even care what the people think because they are going to take down another 20 trees in the fall. Also in violation of the Hatch Act.
Gribbin - just what we need another attorney on council who will be pulled around by this nose ring to revise all the town ordinances to add fees to them so the taxpayers have to keep on paying!
Remember if you vote HF they have a lot to gain and we the taxpayers have a lot to lose.



Even Governor Corzine isn't dumb enough to layoff state employees before an election. There are 4 seats up this election one being for Mayor. If HF wants to prove to the people that the town is not broke then they should recall the employees they laid off and put this bankruptcy issue to rest once and for all. Come on HF show the taxpayers and everyone else that our great town is not broke.



Notice how fast they changed the subject when the truth came out about the furloughs. The only reason they gave for the layoffs was the workload was down but that's not true either. People should now realize that they are being tricked into believing what they are saying is true this should be an eye opener.




I am so tired of this Mento, what about the local candidates, we need to beat HF and I hear nothing from the Democrats.  Are you guys going to do something, I am tired of losing every year!



How would you know what Harlem looks like?  You have never been outside of  Bellevue Ave. and it shows in your poor writing skills. Go take some classes at the new Stockton campus that you will be paying for so you might as well use it!



Anonymous wrote:

How would you know what Harlem looks like?  You have never been outside of  Bellevue Ave. and it shows in your poor writing skills. Go take some classes at the new Stockton campus that you will be paying for so you might as well use it!

Then how about Pleasanville or Camden? Hey pinhead I have a Masters Degree where did you get yours the bowling alley?

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