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Post Info TOPIC: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

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Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

New Jersey is positioning itself as "a center of economic opportunity in the new, green economy'' Rhone Resch, the president and chief executive officer of the Solar Energy Industries Association said as he praised the state for its 4,000th solar installation.

"The foresight of the Board of Public Utilities, the State Legislature and the Governor's office has positioned New Jersey as a center of economic opportunity in the new, green economy. And since New Jersey is ahead of the rest of the country, they are already benefiting economically with new, high-quality jobs, lower electricity costs and cleaner air,'' Resch said.

New Jersey is helping to create good-paying jobs across the supply chain; from manufacturing and system design to installation, according to Resch, who noted solar energy is expected to create 440,000 permanent jobs nationwide by 2016.

His comments came in response to the news last week that New Jersey had achieved its 4,000th solar installation. New Jersey is only second to California when it comes to solar installations. In fact, New Jersey has more solar photovoltaic installations than Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada combined.

"We congratulate New Jersey leaders on the state's 4,000th solar installation. By enacting policies like the state's advanced renewable portfolio standard and strong incentives for solar, New Jersey has become the second largest market for solar in the country,'' Resch said.

By relying on solar energy, Resch said, consumers are lowering their energy bills, adding value to their properties and cutting pollution. And the entire region benefits from a smarter electricity grid that is less susceptible to brown outs and black outs during the heat of the summer

The Hammonton Democratic Platform addresses alternative energy in our platform.
See our platform at www.hammontondems.org

-- Edited by Admin on Friday 21st of August 2009 08:46:16 AM


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Hammonton claims to be a Go Green community. However with HF in control it's all talk and no action. The only green they can relate to is paper money. Look at all the trees cut down the lake and plenty more are ready to be butchered. Look at our new over budgeted town hall instead of being state of the art and environmentally friendly it's 20 years behind in the times. No solar panels, no energy efficiency (3 floors), small offices, and I've been told they don't even recycle. Thank you to the Democrats! It's about time someone thinks of our future and not like HF who just thinks about the money they can make today. Go Democrats!!!!!



All talk and no action......sounds like that blowhard Jeff Van Drew from Cape May.



Anonymous wrote:

All talk and no action......sounds like that blowhard Jeff Van Drew from Cape May.

At least Van Drew is the only politician whose is trying to reopen Kessler Hospital; no one else is even trying and that includes HF and Freeholder Curcio.



Do some research before you speak, do not drink Corzine's Koolaid.

Why didn't Jeff Van Drew ask Governor Corzine to support Kessler Hospital when it was open serving the entire Hammonton area? Why didn't Jeff Van Drew personally ask Governor Jon Corzine to deliver state aid to Kessler Hospital instead of the North Jersey hospitals?

Why didn't Jeff Van Drew inform Jon Corzine that Kessler Hospital was vital to our area because it was serving everyone in the entire Hammonton area (including area veterans)? Why did Jon Corzine want to close small hospitals in New Jersey forcing people into the big cities?

Jon Corzine has closed 12 hospitals since he took office in New Jersey......do some research and do listen to grandstanding politicans like Jeff Van Drew to run his mouth talking about federal money while he sat in his beach house doing nothing for our area residents when he had the chance.


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RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Kessler was never one of the hospitals slated for closure. In fact, Corzine was willing to help and only wanted a simple business plan from the Board of Kessler in order to justify sending taxpayers money to aid this ailing facility. When the board refused to cooperate, they are the ones who sealed the fate of Kessler. There was nothing VanDrew or anyone else could do. It is obvious that the Board wanted Kessler to fail and they made sure that happened.


Fubar, Jim



RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Admin wrote:

Kessler was never one of the hospitals slated for closure. In fact, Corzine was willing to help and only wanted a simple business plan from the Board of Kessler in order to justify sending taxpayers money to aid this ailing facility. When the board refused to cooperate, they are the ones who sealed the fate of Kessler. There was nothing VanDrew or anyone else could do. It is obvious that the Board wanted Kessler to fail and they made sure that happened.

The board members are the only ones to blame for Kessler closing. I heard they refused to open their books to anyone including the other hospitals that wanted to buy it and that's why the deals fell through. If they had nothing to hide they would have opened the books and we would still have a hospital and many jobs would have been saved. Since HF took office it seems like more and more businesses have closed and more and more jobs lost. Doesn't look good!




What I can't understand is every time HF creates a project it's always a rush rush kind of deal where things are not thought out. Ex: rush to build town hall, a lot of wasted space, didn't need a third floor and not even energy efficient, lake park project again not well thought out, after old building was torn down they then applied for the permit to tear it down, again this building is not energy efficient, the traffic pattern is a hazard, the airport project the same. I just don't understand why they won't allow any input from the people on these projects and why such a rush to complete them without well thought out plans that in-compass long term use, energy efficiency, ecology, and environmentally friendly. They are not spending our money wisely especially in this aiilng economy.



I agree with that person who said the town employees should have done furloughs instead of layoffs. I'm all for saving money any way I can. Forget all these silly projects. They could have saved millions of taxpayer dollars if they would have just left our lake park alone. That money could have been used to hire and environmental consultant for our town to educate all the people of our community on recycling, saving energy and how we as a community could become more efficient not only to save our planet but to save money too. HF is very wasteful. There is just so much more this town could be doing to save money and energy. We need the Democrats to help us.


What Hospitals did Corzine target for Closure under his Hospital Closure Committee?

Can anyone inform me what hospitals Jon Corzine targeted for closure with 2005 Hospital Closure Committee? How can we be sure that Kessler Hospital was not targeted by Jon Corzine's committee? No one can convince me that Jon Corzine did not always target closing Kessler Hospital. Forced state mandates by the state government with no reimbursements and no state aid will always bankrupt a hospital.

This crazy big talking rhetoric by Corzine's puppets is very troubling to me since this affects my family. I voted for Corzine because he was such a financial wizard but the person getting wealthy was him at our expense. I do not trust Corzine and will never give him another 4 years!!!!!


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Anonymous wrote:

Can anyone inform me what hospitals Jon Corzine targeted for closure with 2005 Hospital Closure Committee? How can we be sure that Kessler Hospital was not targeted by Jon Corzine's committee? No one can convince me that Jon Corzine did not always target closing Kessler Hospital. Forced state mandates by the state government with no reimbursements and no state aid will always bankrupt a hospital.

This crazy big talking rhetoric by Corzine's puppets is very troubling to me since this affects my family. I voted for Corzine because he was such a financial wizard but the person getting wealthy was him at our expense. I do not trust Corzine and will never give him another 4 years!!!!!

If you admit you do not know which, if any, hospitals might have been targeted for closure, then why do you continually bash from the side that Kessler was targeted???

It is a fact that Corzine offered to help Kessler. It is a fact that he asked Kessler to provide him with some financial information before sending taxpayer money. It is a fact that the Board of Kessler refused to provide any information. All of this was reported in the local newspaper.

No one is acting as a Corzine puppet here. These people are acting as Hammonton residents who are pissed off at the Kessler Board for their actions that forced the closing of our local hospital.




Anonymous wrote:

This crazy big talking rhetoric by Corzine's puppets is very troubling to me since this affects my family. I voted for Corzine because he was such a financial wizard but the person getting wealthy was him at our expense. I do not trust Corzine and will never give him another 4 years!!!!!

Your crazy rhetoric is just as troubling since you have no proof, but have made up your mind and will not allow anything to change it. It is closed minded people like you that create the extremist views that are so troubling in this country. You would deny someone a chance just because of his political affiliation rather than listening to what the individual has to say and what he or she stands for.

Peoplke in Hammonton voted for Hammonton First because they promised us a better Hammonton, but the people it was made better for was them at our expense.



Corzine did nothing for our hospital.

Show me what Corzine did to help our hospital. It is a FACT that $44,000,000 million dollars in state aid went to hospitals in his backyard. Essex County in North Jersey.

only 1 million dollars went to hospital in Monmouth County.

ZERO went to any hospital in Southern New Jersey. That's a FACT JACK.

Why didn't you call Jon Corzine and ask him to support our local hospital? Your added voice may have steered NJ state aid our way but you decided to play politics and stayed quit. Now you come out and play politics.

I agree with the comment: FUBAR


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Anonymous wrote:

Show me what Corzine did to help our hospital. It is a FACT that $44,000,000 million dollars in state aid went to hospitals in his backyard. Essex County in North Jersey.

only 1 million dollars went to hospital in Monmouth County.

ZERO went to any hospital in Southern New Jersey. That's a FACT JACK.

Why didn't you call Jon Corzine and ask him to support our local hospital? Your added voice may have steered NJ state aid our way but you decided to play politics and stayed quit. Now you come out and play politics.

I agree with the comment: FUBAR

As was already stated, the Hammonton News even reported that Jon Corzine offered to help Kessler and he requested financial information from the Board. He wanted to make sure he wasn't throwing away taxpayer money. THE BOARD REFUSED TO GIVE HIM ANY INFORMATION!!!!

They either had something to hide or had their own reasons for allowing the hospital to fail.
Show me your phone bill with the call you made to the Governor.



Anonymous wrote:

Show me what Corzine did to help our hospital. It is a FACT that $44,000,000 million dollars in state aid went to hospitals in his backyard. Essex County in North Jersey.

only 1 million dollars went to hospital in Monmouth County.

ZERO went to any hospital in Southern New Jersey. That's a FACT JACK.

Why didn't you call Jon Corzine and ask him to support our local hospital? Your added voice may have steered NJ state aid our way but you decided to play politics and stayed quit. Now you come out and play politics.

I agree with the comment: FUBAR

The hospital board refused help so when you keep telling the people who are trying to help you to go away it's hard to get help from anyone. The board refused any buyers willing to purchase the hospital - it all stems back to those books that they didn't want anyone to see now they will be closed forever and their secrets are safe. Why didn't HF save the hospital since they saved our downtown.




On the subject of energy. Has anyone seen the HF campaign sign with the light bulb? It's not even an energy efficient light bulb. I guess so much for them saving energy but they tell us to. Opps forgot we are the little people that are to do as we are told not do as we see.


Essex Hospital - 7 million - then bankrupt.

Did Corzine get all of the financial information from his backdoor Essex County Hospital that received $7,000,000 million dollars of the $44,000,000? That hospital took the $7,000,000 and then went bankrupt within 3 weeks after getting the $7,000,000.

Why does Jon Corzine allocate $7,000,000 of the $44,000,000 to his friends in North Jersey? Then the hospital goes still goes bankrupt. If our local hospital would have received any state aid we would still have a valauable asset in Hammonton.

Sugarcoat it any way want but Corzine turned his back on us and I will make sure his puppets do not get away with spin and falsehoods coming from Jim Whelan and his office.


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

So you are now stating publicly that you are against helping the Veterans of Hammonton and South Jersey. You will go to any lengths, even ignoring the facts that the Kessler Board sealed the fate of the hospital, just to make sure no one helps the Veterans.



This web page is correct, We need to help Curcio and LoBiondo, they are the only guys who care about the veterans.


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Posts: 1241

Yes, this is a bipartisan effort to help the Veterans of Hammonton and South Jersey. Join the Hammonton Democratic Club, the candidates Joe Ingemi, Mike Amirrato, Jim Scarpato, and Carmen Villani along with Freeholder Candidate Sam Mento as they work with Rob Rue and Rich Visotchky, Jim Whelan, Jeff VanDrew, Senators Lautenberg and Menendez as they work hard to bring a VA Hospital to Kessler.



Do you know what is scary? While HF held the majority of council Kessler hospital closed, most of the downtown stores closed and the first time in the history of Hammonton HF laid off town workers. The town never ever had layoffs! This is a disgrace to our community. The only thing they can said that they did while in office was improve the value of their properties and keep their family members working. I guess the rest of us don't stand a chance as long as they are in office.



Anonymous wrote:

This web page is correct, We need to help Curcio and LoBiondo, they are the only guys who care about the veterans.

Curcio did nothing because his brother in law CEO of Atlanticcare was poised to steal our hospital when it closed. what did the do nothing freeloader do for us; he wrote a letter three days before his brothER in law took the hospital.  He did this after the signs were made.  Why didn't he try to use the HUD money that we gave to Boscovs.  Curio never took a shot.  He does nothing and yes the problems do go away, as does jObs and raTables for our county.  16 YEARS in office voted to raise taxes 14 TIMES. WHAT HAS HE DONE FOR US?




Admin wrote:

Yes, this is a bipartisan effort to help the Veterans of Hammonton and South Jersey. Join the Hammonton Democratic Club, the candidates Joe Ingemi, Mike Amirrato, Jim Scarpato, and Carmen Villani along with Freeholder Candidate Sam Mento as they work with Rob Rue and Rich Visotchky, Jim Whelan, Jeff VanDrew, Senators Lautenberg and Menendez as they work hard to bring a VA Hospital to Kessler.

Will a VA hospital have an emergency room for the residents of Hammonton?  Ask Jeff Van Pelt that in his jail cell. 


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That is the Hammonton Democrats stand on the issue. Any use of the Kessler building must include an emergency facility for the residents of Hammonton and surrounding areas.



The gimmicks and pithy sayings aren't going to help the Dems.  Steve DiDonato is going to win easily in November.



Him will bowl them over.



Why even waste a vote on Marino or Ingemi?  Stevie D will win in a landslide.  The town will give HF another mandate to continue the great work of the past four years.



Anonymous wrote:


Why even waste a vote on Marino or Ingemi?  Stevie D will win in a landslide.  The town will give HF another mandate to continue the great work of the past four years.


HF is getting scared caught in another lie: First they lied about the employees not wanting to take furloughs, then they lied saying the work load is down, then they lied saying their was a hiring freeze, now they are lying saying that they applied for grant money to bring Stockton to Hammonton when the application says nothing about Stockton they just want more money to spend downtown. It's like buying stocks in a company that's bankrupt. Thank you Joe Ingemi for bringing this to light you have our vote. We know you are for the people not yourself!!!!




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Why even waste a vote on Marino or Ingemi?  Stevie D will win in a landslide.  The town will give HF another mandate to continue the great work of the past four years.


HF is getting scared caught in another lie: First they lied about the employees not wanting to take furloughs, then they lied saying the work load is down, then they lied saying their was a hiring freeze, now they are lying saying that they applied for grant money to bring Stockton to Hammonton when the application says nothing about Stockton they just want more money to spend downtown. It's like buying stocks in a company that's bankrupt. Thank you Joe Ingemi for bringing this to light you have our vote. We know you are for the people not yourself!!!!



Has anyone noticed when HF took office they had 5 hours council meetings twice a month because they wanted an open gov't. Over the years it dropped down to 1 council meeting and now that only lasts about 2 hours because they don't want people to know what's going on. Notice - no committee reports, the lake project was Barberio's baby now he don't even talk about it the Mayor says just a few words. Oh and their green committee is a farce made up of only HF people.  HF is suppose to be so worried about the environment notice no new bldg in Hammonton is energy efficient and why did they destroy our lake park? And the taxpayers are still paying to fix town hall that's falling down wasn't Steve DiDonato the builder overseeing the construction on this project. Haven't we paid enough for that outdated building.




Question if HF cares about saving energy, why do they leave the lights on at Eagle Theater 24/7?



Hey you moron, there is NO possible way Steve DoDo nato will be able to not raise taxes for another year unless we borrow more money which will put us deeper in debt. Common sense if the federal, state and county are broke do you actually think they are giving us all this grant money? We aren't getting grant money for these projects we are borrowing the money for these projects. Again, the fact that you had to lay off town employees just proves to us that our town is in debt up to our eyeballs. Oh and since J Piccari resigned as our Urban Housing Co-Ordinator what are you doing with that money? Or is it a secret?


Urban Housing Coordinator?

Stop your lies. There is no such thing as an urban housing coordinator. This not Camden or Jersey City.


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Anonymous wrote:

Stop your lies. There is no such thing as an urban housing coordinator. This not Camden or Jersey City.

I wonder what stories Joe Ingemi will write in this week's Letter to the Editor?  He is probably close to passing Rich Jacobus as the Democrat who has written the most in the paper.  Do his running mates have any thoughts of their own?



If the Democrats are really making an issue with the town cutting back on 4 employees, there campaign is way off base. You cannot have a viable state economy with everyone working directly for the government. The state budget will implode because there is no one paying the bills (the private sector).

All forms of government must cut back on the number of employees and eliminate no show bloated governmnet agencies. The sooner every level of government starts to drastically reduce their budgets, the sooner business will pick up again in New Jersey.

Jon Corzine has been a terrible leader and his Wall Street ways are no longer tolerable. Jon Corzine and his Wall street friends haved mortgaged away our freedom. The investigation into how he pocketed over $600,000,000 from his Goldman Sachs days will show how these Wall Street wizards steal our tax money.



Anonymous wrote:

If the Democrats are really making an issue with the town cutting back on 4 employees, there campaign is way off base. You cannot have a viable state economy with everyone working directly for the government. The state budget will implode because there is no one paying the bills (the private sector).

All forms of government must cut back on the number of employees and eliminate no show bloated governmnet agencies. The sooner every level of government starts to drastically reduce their budgets, the sooner business will pick up again in New Jersey.

Jon Corzine has been a terrible leader and his Wall Street ways are no longer tolerable. Jon Corzine and his Wall street friends haved mortgaged away our freedom. The investigation into how he pocketed over $600,000,000 from his Goldman Sachs days will show how these Wall Street wizards steal our tax money.

 You are going against long standing Democrat tradition.  Giving out lots of patronage jobs, raising taxes, and borrowing like crazy is done by the Democrats in Washington and Trenton already.  They also want to do it here in Hammonton.



Anonymous wrote:

If the Democrats are really making an issue with the town cutting back on 4 employees, there campaign is way off base. You cannot have a viable state economy with everyone working directly for the government. The state budget will implode because there is no one paying the bills (the private sector).

All forms of government must cut back on the number of employees and eliminate no show bloated governmnet agencies. The sooner every level of government starts to drastically reduce their budgets, the sooner business will pick up again in New Jersey.

Jon Corzine has been a terrible leader and his Wall Street ways are no longer tolerable. Jon Corzine and his Wall street friends haved mortgaged away our freedom. The investigation into how he pocketed over $600,000,000 from his Goldman Sachs days will show how these Wall Street wizards steal our tax money.

You must have memory loss. Look at 2/25/08 minutes whereas HF hired him as our Urban Init. Corrd. - Housing Authority. Oh maybe this was just a made up title to give him and his family health care benefits for designing the new town hall. Another no show job just like Corzine... in fact HF must be all Democrats because they borrowed and spent us into bankruptcy. I guess they had to layoff town employees so they could hire 18 of their friends during what was suppose to be a hiring freeze since 1/1/06. Explain that! Laying off town employees isn't going to make people shop more downtown. Your entry makes absolutely no sense what so ever have another cool aid and maybe go to Stockton for an art class and maybe they can help you function in real life.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

If the Democrats are really making an issue with the town cutting back on 4 employees, there campaign is way off base. You cannot have a viable state economy with everyone working directly for the government. The state budget will implode because there is no one paying the bills (the private sector).

All forms of government must cut back on the number of employees and eliminate no show bloated governmnet agencies. The sooner every level of government starts to drastically reduce their budgets, the sooner business will pick up again in New Jersey.

Jon Corzine has been a terrible leader and his Wall Street ways are no longer tolerable. Jon Corzine and his Wall street friends haved mortgaged away our freedom. The investigation into how he pocketed over $600,000,000 from his Goldman Sachs days will show how these Wall Street wizards steal our tax money.

You are going against long standing Democrat tradition.  Giving out lots of patronage jobs, raising taxes, and borrowing like crazy is done by the Democrats in Washington and Trenton already.  They also want to do it here in Hammonton.


The employees that were laid off were hired years ago by the Republicans so you are saying that the Republicans created no show jobs? When the Republicans were in office we had a 4 million dollar surplus. Now we have no surplus. You fail to face the truth that the town had to layoff these employees because they can't make payroll. Our town is in a severe financial hardship. If we are not in financial trouble then how were the Republicans able to pay them but HF can't?




Anonymous wrote:

If the Democrats are really making an issue with the town cutting back on 4 employees, there campaign is way off base. You cannot have a viable state economy with everyone working directly for the government. The state budget will implode because there is no one paying the bills (the private sector).

All forms of government must cut back on the number of employees and eliminate no show bloated governmnet agencies. The sooner every level of government starts to drastically reduce their budgets, the sooner business will pick up again in New Jersey.

Jon Corzine has been a terrible leader and his Wall Street ways are no longer tolerable. Jon Corzine and his Wall street friends haved mortgaged away our freedom. The investigation into how he pocketed over $600,000,000 from his Goldman Sachs days will show how these Wall Street wizards steal our tax money.

Wow! You must be a HF you have no concept of reality. When the unemployment rate rises that means people are making less money which means they spend less money and it hurts the economy. When people are working they are making more money and spending more money. Did you ever hear the phrase the more you make the more you spend? This is why our gov't is giving out stimulus money to help the economy and create jobs so people will start spending again. Putting people to work will always help the economy maybe that's why downtown is such a failure because HF has only created jobs for their family and friends.




If HF Mayor and Council wants to reduce the budget then why don't our Mayor and Council members give up their salaries since THEY are saving a bundle of money by not raising taxes.



Anonymous wrote:

If HF Mayor and Council wants to reduce the budget then why don't our Mayor and Council members give up their salaries since THEY are saving a bundle of money by not raising taxes.

I'm just curious maybe someone can help clarify this and correct me if I'm wrong. But if HF is trying to reduce the budget why do most of the department heads have either assistants or secretaries when they are making six figure salaries. Ex: town clerk has an assistant, town accountant has a secretary, tax assessor has a secretary. In this bad economy there aren't many people who make six figures so why do our six figure employees who are paid by the taxpayers need assistants? I don't think other small towns operate like this.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

If HF Mayor and Council wants to reduce the budget then why don't our Mayor and Council members give up their salaries since THEY are saving a bundle of money by not raising taxes.

I'm just curious maybe someone can help clarify this and correct me if I'm wrong. But if HF is trying to reduce the budget why do most of the department heads have either assistants or secretaries when they are making six figure salaries. Ex: town clerk has an assistant, town accountant has a secretary, tax assessor has a secretary. In this bad economy there aren't many people who make six figures so why do our six figure employees who are paid by the taxpayers need assistants? I don't think other small towns operate like this.


HF hsd already made a lot of cuts that the Dems and Reps were against.  Maybe HF has room to make even more cuts so they can continue to keep our taxes down.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

If HF Mayor and Council wants to reduce the budget then why don't our Mayor and Council members give up their salaries since THEY are saving a bundle of money by not raising taxes.

I'm just curious maybe someone can help clarify this and correct me if I'm wrong. But if HF is trying to reduce the budget why do most of the department heads have either assistants or secretaries when they are making six figure salaries. Ex: town clerk has an assistant, town accountant has a secretary, tax assessor has a secretary. In this bad economy there aren't many people who make six figures so why do our six figure employees who are paid by the taxpayers need assistants? I don't think other small towns operate like this.


HF hsd already made a lot of cuts that the Dems and Reps were against.  Maybe HF has room to make even more cuts so they can continue to keep our taxes down.



Joe Ingemi filed an OPRA request for all documents pertaining to Stockton and the clerk's office denied him access to the public records just like the clerk's office lied and said the employees didn't want to take furloughs they are really making the mayor look like a fool it's a good thing he is not running for re-election. People are sick of hearing no new taxes because they know it's a bunch of bull. They are pissed about the lake park project and airport project and pissed that town employees were laid off to fund projects that only benefit HF. If HF keeps saying they need to make cuts to keep taxes down then why did they give Brian Howell a $10,000. a year raise in addition to increasing his hourly rate and why did they give the town account (the mayor's relative) a $7,000. a year raise in addition to another raise on top of that. And why did the mayor give the police the biggest raise in the history of Hammonton and why did they hire 18 people during the hiring freeze. Makes no sense to me. HF can't even get their lies straight anymore!




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

If HF Mayor and Council wants to reduce the budget then why don't our Mayor and Council members give up their salaries since THEY are saving a bundle of money by not raising taxes.

I'm just curious maybe someone can help clarify this and correct me if I'm wrong. But if HF is trying to reduce the budget why do most of the department heads have either assistants or secretaries when they are making six figure salaries. Ex: town clerk has an assistant, town accountant has a secretary, tax assessor has a secretary. In this bad economy there aren't many people who make six figures so why do our six figure employees who are paid by the taxpayers need assistants? I don't think other small towns operate like this.


HF hsd already made a lot of cuts that the Dems and Reps were against.  Maybe HF has room to make even more cuts so they can continue to keep our taxes down.


People are going to vote heavily for Steve DiDonato.  Another zero tax increase guaranteed.  All Joe Ingemi offers is constant quotes from historical figures.  If people really wanted that, they would search for it on the internet.


Oprah Request?

The last thing we need right now is Oprah request!!! She is the reason that Obamama got elected President. Keep Oprah in Chicago....we do not want any Oprah requests in Hammonton.


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Anonymous wrote:

The last thing we need right now is Oprah request!!! She is the reason that Obamama got elected President. Keep Oprah in Chicago....we do not want any Oprah requests in Hammonton.

If more and more people make OPRA requests then Hammonton would have a brighter future.  The last thing HF wants is for people to know what's really going on.  The Open Public Records Act (OPRA) ensures OPEN Government.  They just laugh at the idea of open government.  Their idea of open government is having the mayor weed through trash on tv and call that a mayor's chat



Joe Ingemi is making an Opra request not an Oprah Winfrey request. I think Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey are a little too busy to come to Hammonton and support Joe Ingemi.



Here's something to ponder. The federal, state, county governments even Phila. is broke but they all avoided layoffs. According to HF Hammonton is drowning in money but HF laid off town employees and cut services. HF let Kessler close, they stopped Lowes from coming to Hammonton, what's next they will threaten NJ Mfg. with a tax increase if they try to hire Hammonton residents? SAY NO TO HF FOR CARELESS AND WASTEFUL SPENDING (downtown, airport, lake, town hall, etc.) SAY NO TO HF FOR NOT PRESERVING OR CREATING JOBS, SAY NO TO HF FOR NOT CARING ABOUT THE GOOD PEOPLE OF HAMMONTON! SAY YES TO THE DEMOCRATS WHO CARE. If you cut all the wasteful spending that HF is doing you won't need to raise taxes, cut services and layoff town employees. So take your nonsense of no new taxes and put it where the sun don't shine! Let's say good-bye to the poor money management of HF once and for all!



Anonymous wrote:

Here's something to ponder. The federal, state, county governments even Phila. is broke but they all avoided layoffs. According to HF Hammonton is drowning in money but HF laid off town employees and cut services. HF let Kessler close, they stopped Lowes from coming to Hammonton, what's next they will threaten NJ Mfg. with a tax increase if they try to hire Hammonton residents? SAY NO TO HF FOR CARELESS AND WASTEFUL SPENDING (downtown, airport, lake, town hall, etc.) SAY NO TO HF FOR NOT PRESERVING OR CREATING JOBS, SAY NO TO HF FOR NOT CARING ABOUT THE GOOD PEOPLE OF HAMMONTON! SAY YES TO THE DEMOCRATS WHO CARE. If you cut all the wasteful spending that HF is doing you won't need to raise taxes, cut services and layoff town employees. So take your nonsense of no new taxes and put it where the sun don't shine! Let's say good-bye to the poor money management of HF once and for all!

Hey Mr. poster you forgot to mention HF forced downtown businesses to close by raising their rent in a struggling economy. Now you notice every time we the taxpayers complain about something they threaten us with the same line over and over. Would you rather have a tax increase? Go ahead increase our taxes it might hurt us a little but it will hurt HF a lot because they own so much property. So yeah go ahead HF raise our taxes! Then maybe we can have services restored and maybe we can get service when we go to town hall since you are so desperate you had to layoff town employees so you can spend more money to fix your downtown properties so you can raise the rent even higher. Makes sense raise the rent so high no one can afford it - unless we are talking Stockton where the taxpayers foot the bill.



We need Fiscally Conservative Republicans.

I agree with the last poster. Hammonton was run much more efficiently with fiscally conservative Republicans running the town. We had surpluses and never laid off anyone because employees were not hired unless they were needed. Spending too much tax money is never the answer.

We cannot trust the local Democrats because they are being bossed around by people like Rich Jacobus who is very opinated and divides our community. When the Democrats controlled the town, they encouraged low income housing and COAH which cost us millions in local tax dollars. The Democrats short sighted money grab with the low income housing overburdened our local schools, our local police force and our local hospital.

We need to elect fiscally conservative people to run Hammonton not tax and spend people.


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Anonymous wrote:

I agree with the last poster. Hammonton was run much more efficiently with fiscally conservative Republicans running the town. We had surpluses and never laid off anyone because employees were not hired unless they were needed. Spending too much tax money is never the answer.

We cannot trust the local Democrats because they are being bossed around by people like Rich Jacobus who is very opinated and divides our community. When the Democrats controlled the town, they encouraged low income housing and COAH which cost us millions in local tax dollars. The Democrats short sighted money grab with the low income housing overburdened our local schools, our local police force and our local hospital.

We need to elect fiscally conservative people to run Hammonton not tax and spend people.

HF spawned from the Republican party.  The Regular Republican party have been ineffective in representing the people of Hammonton and speaking up when they had the chance.  It was a Republican majority town council that brought Plymouth Place to Hammonton. Get your facts straight. 




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I agree with the last poster. Hammonton was run much more efficiently with fiscally conservative Republicans running the town. We had surpluses and never laid off anyone because employees were not hired unless they were needed. Spending too much tax money is never the answer.

We cannot trust the local Democrats because they are being bossed around by people like Rich Jacobus who is very opinated and divides our community. When the Democrats controlled the town, they encouraged low income housing and COAH which cost us millions in local tax dollars. The Democrats short sighted money grab with the low income housing overburdened our local schools, our local police force and our local hospital.

We need to elect fiscally conservative people to run Hammonton not tax and spend people.

HF spawned from the Republican party.  The Regular Republican party have been ineffective in representing the people of Hammonton and speaking up when they had the chance.  It was a Republican majority town council that brought Plymouth Place to Hammonton. Get your facts straight. 



We need more people like Rich Jacobs he keeps us informed I love reading his letters. Either or both Regular republicans and HF republicans have controlled council for the past 10 years. When council was made up of 4 HF and 3 regular republicans Marino, Bertino and Vitalo 99% of the time the regulars voted with HF and then questioned what they voted on after they approved it. They are also responsible for the borrowing and spending because they voted for it and Bertino demanded layoffs just look at the April council meeting CD. They are one of the same that's why people need to vote Democrat for a positive change and nothing to gain!ATNGX




Anonymous wrote:
We need more people like Rich Jacobs he keeps us informed I love reading his letters.

Bertino demanded layoffs just look at the April council meeting CD.  

The Democrats certainly love taxing and spending and increasing government programs.  

Look at the state, they've hired more people than the taxpayers could ever afford.

Those jobs come with extremely expensive benefit and pension programs.

I guess if you are a Hammonton taxpayer, you can vote for the local Democrats to have Trenton style management come to Hammonton.



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Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

The opposition seems to want to tie the Hammonton Democratsus to individuals they don't agree with. The Hammonton Democrats have put forth 4 great candidates who are individual thinkers and not tied to any other individuals. Can the Hammoton First candidates say the same thing when the large majority of their campaign contributions come from one family in town. Would the Republicans like to be tied to VanPelt and have people vote against them because he is corrupt. In Hammonton we vote on individuals and what they stand for. The Hammonton Democraric candidates stand on their own platform and the things they will accomplish once elected.

-- Edited by Admin on Saturday 29th of August 2009 09:47:14 PM


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
We need more people like Rich Jacobs he keeps us informed I love reading his letters.

Bertino demanded layoffs just look at the April council meeting CD.  

The Democrats certainly love taxing and spending and increasing government programs.  

Look at the state, they've hired more people than the taxpayers could ever afford.

Those jobs come with extremely expensive benefit and pension programs.

I guess if you are a Hammonton taxpayer, you can vote for the local Democrats to have Trenton style management come to Hammonton.



President Bush was the worst President in the history of this country - he is a Republican. So what you are saying is that HF Republicans and Regular Republicans will do to Hammonton what President Bush did to our country. Our country is 3 trillion dollars in debt. Explain that.


Barack Obama

Obama will ruin the USA

Barack Obama policies will ruin the United States. Bush was bad because he could not balance the books. Obama has no clue how to balance the books. He is the most liberal, tax and spend individual in US history. This liberal experiment will bankrupt and change our country forever.


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

Barack Obama wrote:

Barack Obama policies will ruin the United States. Bush was bad because he could not balance the books. Obama has no clue how to balance the books. He is the most liberal, tax and spend individual in US history. This liberal experiment will bankrupt and change our country forever.

Bush was bad because he lied and he let Cheyney have too much control and power.  Bush knew nothing about balancing the books, he wasn't about balancing anything just helping his Saudi buddies get richer and Cheyney's Halliburton getting richer.

Barack Obama

Obama will be worse than Bush.

Obama has already put us in a 9 trillion dollar deficit annually. worse than bush.

We need Harry S. Truman, a leader with the guts to say "the buck stops here" and not just blame retired leaders.

Obama gets a "A+" for campaigning and rhetoric (better than Bill Clinton)

Obama gets a "D-" for his policies and ideas for the USA


RE: Solar Energy Ind. Assoc. Says New Jersey is Leading Way in Green Economy - Big part of Hammonton Democratic Platform

President Obama has already been elected there is nothing we can do now. Instead of trying to divert attention away from the HF candidates and all the things they have done wrong - let's talk about our local candidates and the election in November. We have the opportunity to change our current status, so lets talk about the locals. I know you want to keep what HF does and has done a secret but we need to get the word out so people don't vote for them in November! Come on let's talk local politics!



Barack Obama wrote:

Obama has already put us in a 9 trillion dollar deficit annually. worse than bush.

We need Harry S. Truman, a leader with the guts to say "the buck stops here" and not just blame retired leaders.

Obama gets a "A+" for campaigning and rhetoric (better than Bill Clinton)

Obama gets a "D-" for his policies and ideas for the USA

You can't compare Obama to Bush.  At least Obama is trying to do something.  Bush lied, people died. He got richer, Cheyney got richer, the Saudis got richer, and the oil companies got richer.  Who got poorer, us the American people, Republicans-Independents and Democrats.  I'm not to thrilled with Obama but at least now we have a President that even by your grading system doesn't get constant F like Bush.




Anthony Marino would be way better than Barack Obama. I met him last week at Walmart he is a very passionate leader for Hammonton.



Does this mean Anthony Marino is dropping out of the Mayor's race and is now running for President?



Anonymous wrote:

Does this mean Anthony Marino is dropping out of the Mayor's race and is now running for President?

No it means Barrack Obama is resigning as President and wants to run for Mayor of Hammonton since we have more problems than the federal government.

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