By ELAINE ROSE, Staff Writer, 609-272-7215 | Posted: Friday, August 28, 2009
HAMMONTON - An officer with cancer should soon be able to use leave time donated by his colleagues, after an arbitrator ruled Thursday the town had violated its police union contract by ordering the chief not to act on his request for time off, the Policemen's Benevolent Association's lawyer said.
The arbitrator ruled that Chief Frank Ingemi has the authority to approve or deny the officer's request for leave, and directed him to do so.
"The ball is now in the chief's court," PBA attorney Myron Plotkin said Thursday night in a released statement. "His officers and other PBA members have confidence that he will continue his support and do what is right."
Officer Pete Hagerty was diagnosed with Stage 2 testicular cancer in March, and has since been undergoing surgery and chemotherapy treatments. He had taken off from work last year to care for a sick child, and his leave time ran out May 11. On May 8, Hagerty applied to Ingemi for a leave of absence with pay, as provided in the union contract.
In June, the Town Council refused to allow his fellow officers to donate their sick time to Hagerty, saying the process had been abused in the past. Ingemi notified the PBA that the town administrator had ordered him not to act on Hagerty's leave request. The PBA filed an unfair labor practice charge on May 21, and the parties agreed to submit the matter to binding arbitration.
Hagerty's insurance benefits continued under the Family Leave Act, but his insurance benefits were continued, Plotkin said. They were scheduled to run out Monday.
The unfair labor practice hearing was held Aug. 13, and the ruling came down Thursday, Plotkin said.
Plotkin said the arbitrator ruled the town violated the labor contract when Ingemi failed to rule on Hagerty's leave request, and directed him to do so.
Mayor John DiDonato declined to comment when reached Thursday night, saying he had not seen the ruling.
"I didn't even know that the ruling came down today," DiDonato said.
Well I guess the town will have to borrow more money be able to pay for that officers donated sick time. Wasn't that why it was refused to begin with because the town didn't have enough money to pay for his sick time. I guess if they are at their limit for borrowing they will probably lay off some officers and say there was a reduction in work load or they refused to take furloughs - sounds good but it's not the truth.
The Hammonton Democratic Platform calls for resonsible spending at the local level. The Platform calls for reprioritizing town spending and ensuring that our local roads and sewers and drainage get repaired. Once that is done then we can see how much more we can spend on the "nice" projects. We can't afford to keep putting small down payments on these huge projects and ignoring the basic services our taxpayers expect and deserve.
What happens to the money raised at the fundraisers for this officer? Will I be able to get the money back that I donated? I was told the town was not going to pay the tab for this officer.
I wonder how much money the Democrats at the state and federal government can force Hammonton to spend?
I guess the Democrats don't realize that Washington and Trenton have rolled up massive deficits with their spending.
Why do you keep avoiding the real questions and keep trying to divert attention to the federal and state govt. Did you know that the federal and state laws govern over local laws? So no matter who is in control at the federal and state level the town of Hammonton can not over rule their decisions. So you can't blame the local candidates for what the federal politicians do. If that's the case then why didn't HF stop the war in Iraq and why didn't they stop President Bush from putting us 3 trillion dollars in debt? They are all republicans right?
New vehicles, vacation, new MC and what ever else. If he wouldn't have wasted his sick time putting in his windows or remodeling his house plus other things he would not have this problem. When you live out of town no one checks on you if you are sick or not.
New vehicles, vacation, new MC and what ever else. If he wouldn't have wasted his sick time putting in his windows or remodeling his house plus other things he would not have this problem. When you live out of town no one checks on you if you are sick or not.
No one? It seems you are. If I had cancer, I'd want to make sure my house was in fine shape before I pass on. I'd put my family first.
New vehicles, vacation, new MC and what ever else. If he wouldn't have wasted his sick time putting in his windows or remodeling his house plus other things he would not have this problem. When you live out of town no one checks on you if you are sick or not.
No one? It seems you are. If I had cancer, I'd want to make sure my house was in fine shape before I pass on. I'd put my family first.
This is what I heard... now Mayor and Council are going to layoff 3 officers because they are running out of money and getting desperate. First they deny donated sick time using the excuse of abuse but how can an employee abuse sick time when it has to be approved by the dept. head and Mayor and Council. Ask them who abused it and again their will be no answer as always because it's not the truth - they are broke! Second they laid off town employees instead of cutting the projects that benefit them - they are broke but keep borrowing to complete the projects. Third this town is constantly losing jobs and ratables Kessler Hospital, town jobs and they refused to allow Lowes to come here. HF don't care about people they care about money they will force us to sacrifice whatever they can so that their pockets are filled and ours are empty. This November let's lose HF forever and vote them out so this town can grow, get out of debt and be respected and looked up to like we were before HF took office.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
Hammonton is very lucky to have NJM coming into town. This project is the largest project currently being built in South Jersey. How can local Hammonton people see if any jobs will be available when they open?
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
What you fail to realize is that the town employees including the high paid employees were willing to take pay cuts in the form of furloughs that wasn't good enough for the Mayor. You also fail to realize HF said our town hall including all the furniture and the lake park project would cost 5.9 million. The poor layout and poorly constructed town hall cost about 12 million, a lot of unnecessary furniture was purchased and the lake park project cost over 2 million, plus the airport project. All these projects were not necessary. Did you know the Mayor wanted the old telephone poles in front of the new town hall replaced with new ones at the cost of $80,000. of taxpayer money? So do you really think that new telephone poles and these senseless projects are more important than saving jobs? Lost of public jobs means loss of services. Which means when you go to town hall on your lunch hour don't expect to get service expect to take a day off from work. Also, what you may not realize is that the people that were laid off were hired prior to 2006. When HF got elected they hired 18 new employees maybe friends and family. So you think that employees should lose their jobs because they are not politically connected to HF? You need to find out the facts before you say people should be laid off. HF had nothing to do with NJ Mfg. but they could have saved Kessler and 400 jobs but they didn't because they don't care about people losing their jobs and they don't care about creating jobs for the people of our community. I hope you realize that before the November election.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
What you fail to realize is that the town employees including the high paid employees were willing to take pay cuts in the form of furloughs that wasn't good enough for the Mayor. You also fail to realize HF said our town hall including all the furniture and the lake park project would cost 5.9 million. The poor layout and poorly constructed town hall cost about 12 million, a lot of unnecessary furniture was purchased and the lake park project cost over 2 million, plus the airport project. All these projects were not necessary. Did you know the Mayor wanted the old telephone poles in front of the new town hall replaced with new ones at the cost of $80,000. of taxpayer money? So do you really think that new telephone poles and these senseless projects are more important than saving jobs? Lost of public jobs means loss of services. Which means when you go to town hall on your lunch hour don't expect to get service expect to take a day off from work. Also, what you may not realize is that the people that were laid off were hired prior to 2006. When HF got elected they hired 18 new employees maybe friends and family. So you think that employees should lose their jobs because they are not politically connected to HF? You need to find out the facts before you say people should be laid off. HF had nothing to do with NJ Mfg. but they could have saved Kessler and 400 jobs but they didn't because they don't care about people losing their jobs and they don't care about creating jobs for the people of our community. I hope you realize that before the November election.
New vehicles, vacation, new MC and what ever else. If he wouldn't have wasted his sick time putting in his windows or remodeling his house plus other things he would not have this problem. When you live out of town no one checks on you if you are sick or not.
No one? It seems you are. If I had cancer, I'd want to make sure my house was in fine shape before I pass on. I'd put my family first.
You need to put Hammonton First!
The words "Hammonton First" are misnomers. Some think Hammonton is just a few square blocks long while some know that it's 41 square miles. We need more people to be in the "Know" of what is really happening to our town. We need to stop this Me First attitude and think of the town as a whole. We need Hammonton to be united again not divided like it has been for the last several years.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
Let me get this straight... your blaming the workers for the mess the politicians created? Most politicians are wealthy business people they spend millions of donated money to get elected. Once elected, in most cases they get a huge salary, a huge expense account, free health care and their personal businesses usually profit from their political positions. All at the expense of the taxpayers! While in office they decide they want to help their family, friends and supporters who helped them get elected so they too profit from this newly found fortune. Then when the spending gets out of control who suffers? The average gov't employee with no political connections. Sound like Hammonton? After HF was elected they hired 18 employees during a hiring freeze, gave Solicitor, Brian Howell a $10,000. a year raise in addition to increasing his hourly rate, gave town Accountant (a relative of the Mayor) a $7,000 a year raise in addition to another raise on top of that. They promoted supportive employees who were already making a decent wage. In addition to creating multimillion dollar, over budgeted, unnecessary projects that do not benefit the taxpayers even though we have to pay for them. The over paid and under worked employees kept their jobs and the low paid employees who had no political affiliation who actually worked got laid off. Notice all 18 employees that HF hired DID NOT get laid off! So you think the low paid employees should have to suffer for the careless spending and mismanagement of HF? This is what happens when you let a bag of veggies decide your vote.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
I disagree with you. When people go to the polls they vote for whoever gives them the most dinners and freebees and don't care about what these people say they are going to do or even check out their backgrounds it's all about the free stuff. When taxpayers get abused by politicians by paying high health insurance costs, high permit fees, reduced services etc. people never ever complain. They just go with the flow they may complain to their friends and family but when they see a politician they praise them for the great work they are doing. Example: HF is spending millions of our hard earned tax dollars on silly projects - no one complains to them, water and sewer rates went up and the town no longer removes dead trees by the street - no one complains. With all the rain we have gotten Hammonton is on a water restriction - no one complains. Permit fees were just increased - no one complains. All federal, state, county and local employees including teachers get free health insurance - NO ONE COMPLAINS! Taxpayers need to do their homework before they vote and go to the council meetings and complain when they don't get what they want or need.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
Wow you people are really afraid to talk about the local politics. You keep talking about the federal gov't which we have no control over. In Hammonton the town employees were willing to take a pay cut in the form of furloughs but that Mayor wouldn't accept that and Jimmy Bertino wanted layoffs. You keep saying the federal gov't needs to reduce and cut payroll but what about Hammonton our Mayor and Council hired 18 people during a hiring freeze and gave huge raises to their friends and supporters why do you keep ignoring this and just focus on the federal gov't do you live in Hammonton or Washington. Next you will start talking about downtown Washington DC. I guess it's ok for our small town to spend money foolishly you just don't want the federal gov't to spend money foolishly - strange very strange. Also HF wouldn't let Lowes come to Hammonton now NJ Mfg breaks ground and already HF wants them to leave too!
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
Wow you people are really afraid to talk about the local politics. You keep talking about the federal gov't which we have no control over. In Hammonton the town employees were willing to take a pay cut in the form of furloughs but that Mayor wouldn't accept that and Jimmy Bertino wanted layoffs. You keep saying the federal gov't needs to reduce and cut payroll but what about Hammonton our Mayor and Council hired 18 people during a hiring freeze and gave huge raises to their friends and supporters why do you keep ignoring this and just focus on the federal gov't do you live in Hammonton or Washington. Next you will start talking about downtown Washington DC. I guess it's ok for our small town to spend money foolishly you just don't want the federal gov't to spend money foolishly - strange very strange. Also HF wouldn't let Lowes come to Hammonton now NJ Mfg breaks ground and already HF wants them to leave too!
Forget the state and federal governments, what about Hammonton?? The town's employees voted to take furloughs but Jimmy Bertino wanted employees to be laid off at the same time he was voting with Hammonton First to borrow and spend millions of dollars. What a joke!
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
Wow you people are really afraid to talk about the local politics. You keep talking about the federal gov't which we have no control over. In Hammonton the town employees were willing to take a pay cut in the form of furloughs but that Mayor wouldn't accept that and Jimmy Bertino wanted layoffs. You keep saying the federal gov't needs to reduce and cut payroll but what about Hammonton our Mayor and Council hired 18 people during a hiring freeze and gave huge raises to their friends and supporters why do you keep ignoring this and just focus on the federal gov't do you live in Hammonton or Washington. Next you will start talking about downtown Washington DC. I guess it's ok for our small town to spend money foolishly you just don't want the federal gov't to spend money foolishly - strange very strange. Also HF wouldn't let Lowes come to Hammonton now NJ Mfg breaks ground and already HF wants them to leave too!
Forget the state and federal governments, what about Hammonton?? The town's employees voted to take furloughs but Jimmy Bertino wanted employees to be laid off at the same time he was voting with Hammonton First to borrow and spend millions of dollars. What a joke!
How come HF doesn't reply and defend themselves. Oh that's right they can't!
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
Wow you people are really afraid to talk about the local politics. You keep talking about the federal gov't which we have no control over. In Hammonton the town employees were willing to take a pay cut in the form of furloughs but that Mayor wouldn't accept that and Jimmy Bertino wanted layoffs. You keep saying the federal gov't needs to reduce and cut payroll but what about Hammonton our Mayor and Council hired 18 people during a hiring freeze and gave huge raises to their friends and supporters why do you keep ignoring this and just focus on the federal gov't do you live in Hammonton or Washington. Next you will start talking about downtown Washington DC. I guess it's ok for our small town to spend money foolishly you just don't want the federal gov't to spend money foolishly - strange very strange. Also HF wouldn't let Lowes come to Hammonton now NJ Mfg breaks ground and already HF wants them to leave too!
Forget the state and federal governments, what about Hammonton?? The town's employees voted to take furloughs but Jimmy Bertino wanted employees to be laid off at the same time he was voting with Hammonton First to borrow and spend millions of dollars. What a joke!
How come HF doesn't reply and defend themselves. Oh that's right they can't!
Oh I get it, Mentos the freshmaker. That is clever. People like clever and hard working candidates. Hammonton people like Sam Mento. Stop trying to link him to unpopular people. I have seen him at different events and, the guy has a positive message.
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
Wow you people are really afraid to talk about the local politics. You keep talking about the federal gov't which we have no control over. In Hammonton the town employees were willing to take a pay cut in the form of furloughs but that Mayor wouldn't accept that and Jimmy Bertino wanted layoffs. You keep saying the federal gov't needs to reduce and cut payroll but what about Hammonton our Mayor and Council hired 18 people during a hiring freeze and gave huge raises to their friends and supporters why do you keep ignoring this and just focus on the federal gov't do you live in Hammonton or Washington. Next you will start talking about downtown Washington DC. I guess it's ok for our small town to spend money foolishly you just don't want the federal gov't to spend money foolishly - strange very strange. Also HF wouldn't let Lowes come to Hammonton now NJ Mfg breaks ground and already HF wants them to leave too!
Forget the state and federal governments, what about Hammonton?? The town's employees voted to take furloughs but Jimmy Bertino wanted employees to be laid off at the same time he was voting with Hammonton First to borrow and spend millions of dollars. What a joke!
How come HF doesn't reply and defend themselves. Oh that's right they can't!
Where does HF people work? Oh you mean they are working on more senseless projects that the taxpayers of Hammonton don't need and can't afford. Would you consider that working? I guess so they are collecting a salary from the town. Unfortunately we all have to work some of us harder than others.
Oh I get it, Mentos the freshmaker. That is clever. People like clever and hard working candidates. Hammonton people like Sam Mento. Stop trying to link him to unpopular people. I have seen him at different events and, the guy has a positive message.
I'm hungry when is HF serving food again? When are they going to give out their half rotted veggie bags? If I remember correctly they are not using recycled bags! What about this go green stuff they are not doing what they said again. Hey since Hammonton residents are struggling to pay their taxes will HF include in this years bag some filet mignon, maybe some aged provolone and dried sausage? That might help me to decide to I will vote for. HA
Has anyone spoke with any of the neighbors in Winslow Township recently? The average tax bills have risen roughly $1000.00 per average household. Winslow Township has been ravaged by the Camden County Democrats and the local Democrats holding office.
I would rather have low taxes and cut more services and salaries at every level of government. The Winslow residents are having a tea party at Dazio's on September 25, 2009 protesting the excessive taxes being levied on the Winslow residents!!!!
RE: Cancer-stricken Hammonton officer can get leave with pay, arbitrator rules
My husband has been laid off for 9 months, his company cannot afford to rehire him back. The UE benefits are also going to end this month. Why should we keeping expanding government payrolls when private employers are laying off people?
The government must start to reduce and cut payroll also in New Jersey. If some people must be laid off because they will not accept a pay cut, so be it.
My wife was laid off and it's all because of the decades of not having any form of healthcare reform. I'll blame all Republicans and Democrats if they don't come up with some sort of reform. The insurance companies are making millions while people are dying and losing their homes because of their medical bills. Let's not blame the taxpayer whether they work in the private or public sector.
Is NJM to blame for making too much money, they are in the insurance business. I thought they would be good for our area but now I think they make too money. I hope Obama creates a salery and wage task force to establish wages for all people in the insurance business.
Wow you people are really afraid to talk about the local politics. You keep talking about the federal gov't which we have no control over. In Hammonton the town employees were willing to take a pay cut in the form of furloughs but that Mayor wouldn't accept that and Jimmy Bertino wanted layoffs. You keep saying the federal gov't needs to reduce and cut payroll but what about Hammonton our Mayor and Council hired 18 people during a hiring freeze and gave huge raises to their friends and supporters why do you keep ignoring this and just focus on the federal gov't do you live in Hammonton or Washington. Next you will start talking about downtown Washington DC. I guess it's ok for our small town to spend money foolishly you just don't want the federal gov't to spend money foolishly - strange very strange. Also HF wouldn't let Lowes come to Hammonton now NJ Mfg breaks ground and already HF wants them to leave too!
Forget the state and federal governments, what about Hammonton?? The town's employees voted to take furloughs but Jimmy Bertino wanted employees to be laid off at the same time he was voting with Hammonton First to borrow and spend millions of dollars. What a joke!
How come HF doesn't reply and defend themselves. Oh that's right they can't!
Has anyone spoke with any of the neighbors in Winslow Township recently? The average tax bills have risen roughly $1000.00 per average household. Winslow Township has been ravaged by the Camden County Democrats and the local Democrats holding office.
I would rather have low taxes and cut more services and salaries at every level of government. The Winslow residents are having a tea party at Dazio's on September 25, 2009 protesting the excessive taxes being levied on the Winslow residents!!!!
The busing was also cut with taxes going thru the roof!!!!!! Sickening
RE: Cancer-stricken Hammonton officer can get leave with pay, arbitrator rules
Has anyone spoke with any of the neighbors in Winslow Township recently? The average tax bills have risen roughly $1000.00 per average household. Winslow Township has been ravaged by the Camden County Democrats and the local Democrats holding office.
I would rather have low taxes and cut more services and salaries at every level of government. The Winslow residents are having a tea party at Dazio's on September 25, 2009 protesting the excessive taxes being levied on the Winslow residents!!!!
The busing was also cut with taxes going thru the roof!!!!!! Sickening
Wow what a difference between two towns that border each other. Hammonton has no tax increases while Winslow taxes are going thru the roof and even teachers are being laid off.
Has anyone spoke with any of the neighbors in Winslow Township recently? The average tax bills have risen roughly $1000.00 per average household. Winslow Township has been ravaged by the Camden County Democrats and the local Democrats holding office.
I would rather have low taxes and cut more services and salaries at every level of government. The Winslow residents are having a tea party at Dazio's on September 25, 2009 protesting the excessive taxes being levied on the Winslow residents!!!!
The busing was also cut with taxes going thru the roof!!!!!! Sickening
Wow what a difference between two towns that border each other. Hammonton has no tax increases while Winslow taxes are going thru the roof and even teachers are being laid off.
You're right there is a big difference between Hammonton and Winslow. Winslow isn't forty million dollars in debt and counting like Hammonton! Folsom fired their town clerk who was only making a fraction of Hammonton's town clerk who makes $126,000. and our Assistant Town Clerk makes $70,000. with a salary that big for 32 hours a week why does she need an assistant? You dummies cut the low paid people who service the taxpayers and keep the high paid people who play solitaire. Oh and Atlantic City is getting rid of their K-9 dogs is Hammonton? Why does the town have to pay for school crossing guards the school should be footing that bill. Why did Hammonton create so many senseless projects costing millions - to keep their family and friends working? I see hundreds are at Eagle Threater everyday just waiting to get in this should have been used for parking for our new town hall that was suppose to have 144 parking spaces and has less than 44. It's not what HF speaks watch what HF does. They are poor money managers and poor project managers. Let's do things right the first time and save money. Vote Democrat for light at the end of this horrible tunnel.
You are always trying to compare us to everyone else. Why don't you compare us to Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Martha's Vineyard, and Beverly Hills expecially since we spend the money they do only the taxpayers of Hammonton have nothing to show for HF's wasteful spending? You need to start focusing on Hammonton and all the problems we have and stop worrying about comparing us to others when you don't know all the facts. The only reason why taxes haven't gone up in Hammonton is because HF and their supporters own many properties and they are saving more money than the average taxpayers. HF has proved over and over they don't care what the taxpayers think or want it's all about them. Ex: millions of taxpayer money used to fix our downtown properties that are owned by who? HF and their supporters. LET"S TALK HAMMONTON AND STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT IT"S NOT WORKING ANY MORE!
Has anyone spoke with any of the neighbors in Winslow Township recently? The average tax bills have risen roughly $1000.00 per average household. Winslow Township has been ravaged by the Camden County Democrats and the local Democrats holding office.
I would rather have low taxes and cut more services and salaries at every level of government. The Winslow residents are having a tea party at Dazio's on September 25, 2009 protesting the excessive taxes being levied on the Winslow residents!!!!
The busing was also cut with taxes going thru the roof!!!!!! Sickening
Wow what a difference between two towns that border each other. Hammonton has no tax increases while Winslow taxes are going thru the roof and even teachers are being laid off.
Our local schools had no tax increase and didn't layoff teachers. Our town had no tax increase but laid off town employees. So you're saying that our School Board knows how to manage money but our Mayor and Council don't? Another thought if HF keeps laying off low paid town employees because of their poor money management skills then why do we need so many supervisors making 6 figures if you are trying to reduce salaries? Also someone else said HF gave Brian Howell a $10,000. a year raise plus increased his hourly rate and the town's accountant got a huge raise too? Why does HF say they want to cut salaries but turn around and give their family and friends big raises? Aren't they contradicting themselves????
at least we are not in terrible shape like winslow township
That's because our school board can manage money but our Mayor and Council can't
I guess you are voting for the current School Board Finance Committee Chairman, Steve DiDonato, for mayor.
Steve does nothing for the school board but takes credit for the efforts of everyone else. The DiDonato's certainly know how to borrow and spend and do nothing for the average taxpayers in Hammonton... because it's the taxpayers who are going to have to pay for the tens of millions of dollars they have borrowed and that the DiDonato's have benefited from.
The Democrats seem to what to just run a campaign of personal attacks and negativity with Rich Jacobus and Joe Ingemi. It is a shame they seem to be turning off even their past supporters.
The negative personal attacks by the state and local Democrats have just begun. Corzine's money comes with lowdown, dirty smear tactics the hired guns demand in return for campaign cash.
What really upsets me is that someone is bitter and nasty enough to break windows at the Republican Headquarters in Hammonton. People are allowed to disagree about raising and lowering taxes but threats to people and damaging property is really over the line.
Vote any way you please but control your anger when things do not go your way.
The negative personal attacks by the state and local Democrats have just begun. Corzine's money comes with lowdown, dirty smear tactics the hired guns demand in return for campaign cash.
What really upsets me is that someone is bitter and nasty enough to break windows at the Republican Headquarters in Hammonton. People are allowed to disagree about raising and lowering taxes but threats to people and damaging property is really over the line.
Vote any way you please but control your anger when things do not go your way.
Rich and Joe have just the opposite affect of what you are saying. When they speak people are listening because the people know they are speaking the truth, it's not turning people off it's actually turning a spot light on all the wrong things HF has don't for this town. HF has made so many promises and broke most of them that no one can believe anything they say. Think about it if the town is in excellent financial shape why would they lay off employees?? It's a shame about the damaged property but if people remember correctly 2 years ago HF put their kids and their friends up to stealing all the democratic signs. Why would they encourage their kids to steal? Also after HF won the election their children rode by the Democratic headquarters giving everyone the middle finger. All class! Believe nothing they say and watch what HF does. Actions and documents speak louder than words.
And won't be be surprised if you find out that the Republicans broke their own window and are looking for attention. If you think Corzine knows where Hammonton is you would be badly mistaken.
I don't know what to do, Steve DiDonato is fixing the school but when he becomes Mayor what happens to his school board seat? Can Steve do both I hope?
Last night I heard that Mayor and Council in a letter to Civil Service said that there has been a hiring freeze since 1/1/06 but they hired 18 people during the freeze? Also HF tore down the house at the lake and then applied for a permit from Pinelands to tear down the building after they already toreL6EY it down? The letter to Congressman LoBiondo stated we wanted the grant money to renovate our down town it said nothing about Stockton? My gosh what is going on? Lying to the taxpayers of Hammonton is bad enough but lying to government agencies can get us in deep trouble - we can't afford to pay heavy fines imposed if they get caught. Why should the taxpayers have to pay for their mismanagement? If we can't afford higher taxes we sure as hell can't afford heavy fines! Oh and why did HF give Brian Howell a $10,000. a year raise in 2007? It takes the average worker about 10 years to get a raise like that. We must have money to burn but only on certain things and certain people.
I don't know what to do, Steve DiDonato is fixing the school but when he becomes Mayor what happens to his school board seat? Can Steve do both I hope?
The school board will be much much better off with Steve out of there. He has attempted to politicize the board since day one. While the rest of the board does the heavy lifting Steve flaps his mouth. I say go riddance to Steve on the board. As a board member your first priority is suppose to be the kids, not yourself.
Police have the information on vechicle that broke window.
And won't be be surprised if you find out that the Republicans broke their own window and are looking for attention. If you think Corzine knows where Hammonton is you would be badly mistaken.
I have been informed that a vechicle has been identified when the window was broken. Nice try but the video camera from the bank building has the vechicle on tape but the license plate cannot be confirmed. The police are handling this internally.
RE: Cancer-stricken Hammonton officer can get leave with pay, arbitrator rules
And won't be be surprised if you find out that the Republicans broke their own window and are looking for attention. If you think Corzine knows where Hammonton is you would be badly mistaken.
I have been informed that a vechicle has been identified when the window was broken. Nice try but the video camera from the bank building has the vechicle on tape but the license plate cannot be confirmed. The police are handling this internally.
At least we have a description that we can look for.
I guess if the Chief grants the donated sick time to officer Hagerty that will really put the town in a financial crises. If they had to layoff 4 workers in June because they couldn't make payroll then this will definitely put them over the edge and then they will blame the Chief and layoff officers to make up the difference. The town hall and lake park project combined were suppose to cost a total of $5.9 million. Well town hall cost $12 million and the lake park is well over $2 million. So these project costs are more than double what they estimated. Then take into consideration the new telephone poles in front of town hall $80,000. Paving Vine St. twice $1 million. Eagle Theater and paving all those lots surrounding it. Legal fees when the Mayor brought charges against the Chief etc. etc. This money situation is out of control. But to continue to borrow to try and make up the difference will only put us deeper in debt. It's like a gambler keep chasing the money and you will get deeper and deeper in debt.
lies lies lies. yeah ! no new taxes four in a row . lower debt higher surpluss AA bond rating The school seems a lot better since steve took office. the school had huge increases every year they said 28 cents thay said thirty cents. steve came in figured out the wastful spending and now its smooth sailing at zero. 16 new cop cars new town hall lake rec center. central ave finely paved. bellevue ave looking sharp 2 new trash trucks new fire truck. oh did i say no new taxes.
lies lies lies. yeah ! no new taxes four in a row . lower debt higher surpluss AA bond rating The school seems a lot better since steve took office. the school had huge increases every year they said 28 cents thay said thirty cents. steve came in figured out the wastful spending and now its smooth sailing at zero. 16 new cop cars new town hall lake rec center. central ave finely paved. bellevue ave looking sharp 2 new trash trucks new fire truck. oh did i say no new taxes.
Dream on! By now you must be addicted to the kool-aid. 8 millions dollars over budget on town hall and still counting as supervised by super hero steve. Where were his money management skills during the town hall project? Lake rec center 2 million over budget. Central ave paved by county. If our town is in such great financial shape then why did you layoff 4 employees so you can make it look like you are cutting staff but not savings money for the taxpayers because your using that money to give your family and friends HUGE RAISES. Why do we bother electing a school board when steve can do it all? Oh that's right everybody else does the work and steve takes the credit, typical HF loser!
As soon as he finished working on the falling apart town hall that he supervised and told us it would cost 5.9 million including the lake rec center but town hall cost us 12 million and the lake cost 2 million. HF was only 8 million over budget. Not bad for businessmen who rely on accurate figures to keep their businesses afloat. Since the school is in excellent financial shape will Steve be laying off school workers since the taxpayers want less school employees?
Hey is it true Dennis Levinson is supporting HF and not the regular republicans? Isn't he the person who got Jerry Barberio a high paying county job? Does this mean taxpayers are paying Jerry two salaries one from the county and one from the town? Hey do you think Dennis Levinson will find jobs for the 4 employees the town laid off since the county has plenty of money and is not laying off?
it is good to see levinson putting money into hammonton and hiring people from hammonton. he does look to support hammonton whenever we raise a fuss
Well the fact that he hired Barberio and Barberio handles grant money makes him not able to run for town council because it is a Hatch Act violation. So vote Berberio and your throwing your vote away. Unless maybe he will quit his high paying county job and let someone else from Hammoton have it!
Are you kidding me? Do you really think Joe Giralo gets paid or any School Board member gets paid? Mayor and Council get paid but not the School Board. Joe Giralo has put a great deal of time and effort into this project...there wouldn't be enough money to pay him for all he has done to supervise this project . I understand that Steve DiDonato has never even set foot in the school to see how the project is progressing, but look for him at the Grand Opening.