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Post Info TOPIC: The Hammonton Democrats, the hope for Hammonton

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The Hammonton Democrats, the hope for Hammonton

We, as citizens of Hammonton, enter this election season with both deep concerns and high hopes. Like all elections, the results of Hammontons 2009 Mayoral election will have far reaching consequences. We are worried about the frivolous spending of our current Town Council: $800,000 toilets at Boyer Avenue Fields, mounting costs for an unfinished Town Hall building, an evolving satellite campus projec t that will probably cost us $4 million in new taxes, and a poorly planned Lake project that has only succeeded in chopping down our ancient and beloved shade trees. We know that a continuation of these policies will lead to higher taxes, deeper debt, and a lower quality of life for all Hammontonians.


            Yet we remain hopeful. We know that Hammontons prime location gives us the ability to harness new industries that will create new jobs, stabilize taxes, and expand our local businesses customer base. We know that our services can be restored if our Towns workforce is given the proper tools to succeed. We believe that the reintroduction of fiscal discipline within our local government will allow us to pave our roads and fix our sewers. We understand that Hammonton is a compassionate community that must be ready and willing to assist our Veterans, elderly, and individuals with special needs. And, finally, we collectively realize that the restoration of these values will lead us all to prosperity a nd a better quality of life.


            Ultimately, it is up to the voters decide our path. Above all else, the Hammonton Democrats want to provide all Hammontonians with the opportunity to make an informed decision on November 3rd. That is why my running mates, Mike Ammirato, Jim Scarpato, Carmen Villani, and I invite you to the Democratic Headquarters Grand Opening tomorrow (Thursday, September 3rd) at 6:30 PM. The event is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served. The Democratic Headquarters is located at 107 Bellevue Avenue (the former Hammonton Arts Center).


            This event will be a great opportunity to learn about us, the details of our platform and how we plan to serve our community so that Hammonton can reach its maximum potential in the years to come. Most importantly, we want to hear your ideas for bettering our town. We look forward to seeing you.



Hope & Change? Look what hope and change has done for in Washington, DC>>>>Hope & Change left me with Regret and Remorse.


Democrats - Atlantic City Election Fraud

More Democrats in Atlantic City indicted with voter election fraud. 13 democrats are being indicted forging names and stealing elections.

Corruption and voter fraud in Atlantic City must be stopped. We cannot let Atlantic County be overrun by corrupt Atlantic City politicans. I hope the Hammonton Democrats distanced themselves from the indicted Atlantic City politicans and ACORN crowd.

Sam Mento should denounce the stealing of elections by his fellow Atlantic City Democrats. We cannot afford turning Hammonton over to these scoundrels!!!!! Will Rich Jacobus write another letter supporting Craig Calloway of Atlantic City and William Bryant of Camden like he this year in the AC Press.


RE: The Hammonton Democrats, the hope for Hammonton

The Dems had a really big crowd tonight at their grand opening. I stopped by to see what they had to say. I over heard people asking questions like how much did town hall really cost? Why did HF give Brian Howell a $10,000. a year raise and increase his hourly rate too and tell everyone the town is in great financial shape then lay off 4 clerical workers? People are totally confused about this. Then one day mother nature is in favor of saving all the trees and the next minute she's all for cutting down all the trees down the lake. I think people are realizing that the only people that can be controlled and manipulated by the two sweeter brother's is HF. HF listened and did whatever sweeter brothers told them to do but didn't think through the consequences that's why we are in such bad shape now. Oh and people said what an eye sore in front of town hall with that police truck parked out front because it won't fit in the garage that Steve DiDonato designed.



Anonymous wrote:

More Democrats in Atlantic City indicted with voter election fraud. 13 democrats are being indicted forging names and stealing elections.

Corruption and voter fraud in Atlantic City must be stopped. We cannot let Atlantic County be overrun by corrupt Atlantic City politicans. I hope the Hammonton Democrats distanced themselves from the indicted Atlantic City politicans and ACORN crowd.

Sam Mento should denounce the stealing of elections by his fellow Atlantic City Democrats. We cannot afford turning Hammonton over to these scoundrels!!!!! Will Rich Jacobus write another letter supporting Craig Calloway of Atlantic City and William Bryant of Camden like he this year in the AC Press.

Here we go again what does Atlantic City have to do with Hammonton? Let's stick to talking about Hammonton politics. I heard that Hammonton could be the next stop for the Attorney General. They have already lied to LoBiondo about the money for down town and they lied to the Pinelands Commission about lake park and they lied to Civil Service about the hiring freeze. What if all this stuff hits the fan before the election? It will be fun to watch the squirming and who will be pointing the fingers at who. Maybe the Jersey Boys will be calling the Mayor again!




Anonymous wrote:

The Dems had a really big crowd tonight at their grand opening. I stopped by to see what they had to say. I over heard people asking questions like how much did town hall really cost? Why did HF give Brian Howell a $10,000. a year raise and increase his hourly rate too and tell everyone the town is in great financial shape then lay off 4 clerical workers? People are totally confused about this. Then one day mother nature is in favor of saving all the trees and the next minute she's all for cutting down all the trees down the lake. I think people are realizing that the only people that can be controlled and manipulated by the two sweeter brother's is HF. HF listened and did whatever sweeter brothers told them to do but didn't think through the consequences that's why we are in such bad shape now. Oh and people said what an eye sore in front of town hall with that police truck parked out front because it won't fit in the garage that Steve DiDonato designed.

Shouldn't HF be answering these questions instead of running away and hiding?




Why is the swat van parked in the town hall lot?  I almost had an accident yesterday trying to park my car because I can't see around it.  Why doesn't the chief park it out back where it belongs?



Anonymous wrote:

Why is the swat van parked in the town hall lot?  I almost had an accident yesterday trying to park my car because I can't see around it.  Why doesn't the chief park it out back where it belongs?

It's because of the poor design of the town hall. When Steve DiDonato designed the building and overseen the construction of it they didn't make the sally port big enough to accommodate that truck and when dropping off prisoners the cars can't maneuver because there is no room. Don't you remember reading about all these problems in the newspaper? It's not up to the Chief to fix the building problems. Mayor and Council never took into consideration all the aspects of a town hall building. Haste makes waste. 




Before I make my decision in November I need a few questions answered. First if Hamm 1st is trying to cut salaries why did they give the Solicitor a $10,000. a year raise after his first year and in addition increased his hourly rate too? Second the Mayor keeps saying the town is financially secure but laid off workers. I lived here about 10 years and was here when all those charges were brought against the Chief. Since I am retired from law enforcement I was wondering why they laid off staff in the court and police dept. A police dept. is a 24hr 7 days a week operation and the court feeds off of the police dept. I traveled all over to different courts and no matter what court I went to they were always full to capacity. This is why I'm so confused why people in these two depts. were let go. The paper said someone from the building dept but no one from the assessors office wouldn't that be down too? Also according to the blog someone said the town accountant has a secretary? Why not have a full time and part time accountant instead of a secretary? People who no nothing about law enforcement don't understand that police depts. can't function without proper staffing especially when everyday is unpredictable. Ex: the havoc at the house on Washington St. these are things you can't predict. I read the blog, the papers and watch the council meetings because I want to make sure I vote for the people who put protecting this town as their number one priority. I want answers so I guess I'll have to go to the next council meeting to get them.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

More Democrats in Atlantic City indicted with voter election fraud. 13 democrats are being indicted forging names and stealing elections.

Corruption and voter fraud in Atlantic City must be stopped. We cannot let Atlantic County be overrun by corrupt Atlantic City politicans. I hope the Hammonton Democrats distanced themselves from the indicted Atlantic City politicans and ACORN crowd.

Sam Mento should denounce the stealing of elections by his fellow Atlantic City Democrats. We cannot afford turning Hammonton over to these scoundrels!!!!! Will Rich Jacobus write another letter supporting Craig Calloway of Atlantic City and William Bryant of Camden like he this year in the AC Press.

Here we go again what does Atlantic City have to do with Hammonton? Let's stick to talking about Hammonton politics. I heard that Hammonton could be the next stop for the Attorney General. They have already lied to LoBiondo about the money for down town and they lied to the Pinelands Commission about lake park and they lied to Civil Service about the hiring freeze. What if all this stuff hits the fan before the election? It will be fun to watch the squirming and who will be pointing the fingers at who. Maybe the Jersey Boys will be calling the Mayor again!


These two Atlantic City guys are Mentos running mates that he wants to run Atlantic County. If you think having two more Atlantic City people running the county budget will help Hammonton .....you are being lied to and misled.

Atlantic City politicans should have less say over Hammonton tax dollars in Atlantic County. If these Democrats take over in Atlantic County, we in Hammonton are not going to benefit.

Look how JON CORZINE and the Democrats have decimated South Jersey, the AC Casino's, the small rural communities at the state level. We do not need to surrender the county budget to these losers.

Sam Mento was asked to do a FOOL's TASK and Hammonton would surely lose out if we elect him and his running mates.

ELECT Curcio, Giordano & Formica vs. Mento and 2 Atlantic City hacks!!!!! 




You won't get any answers by going to council meetings either. Didn't you watch the last meeting? Joe Ingemi asked a lot of questions about the proposed Stockton project and got no answers. The Council is pushing through a project with no plans on how to pay for it. Looks like another $4 million project the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for.
So much for a transparent government.



They are a transparent government, we can see right through them!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

More Democrats in Atlantic City indicted with voter election fraud. 13 democrats are being indicted forging names and stealing elections.

Corruption and voter fraud in Atlantic City must be stopped. We cannot let Atlantic County be overrun by corrupt Atlantic City politicans. I hope the Hammonton Democrats distanced themselves from the indicted Atlantic City politicans and ACORN crowd.

Sam Mento should denounce the stealing of elections by his fellow Atlantic City Democrats. We cannot afford turning Hammonton over to these scoundrels!!!!! Will Rich Jacobus write another letter supporting Craig Calloway of Atlantic City and William Bryant of Camden like he this year in the AC Press.

Here we go again what does Atlantic City have to do with Hammonton? Let's stick to talking about Hammonton politics. I heard that Hammonton could be the next stop for the Attorney General. They have already lied to LoBiondo about the money for down town and they lied to the Pinelands Commission about lake park and they lied to Civil Service about the hiring freeze. What if all this stuff hits the fan before the election? It will be fun to watch the squirming and who will be pointing the fingers at who. Maybe the Jersey Boys will be calling the Mayor again!


These two Atlantic City guys are Mentos running mates that he wants to run Atlantic County. If you think having two more Atlantic City people running the county budget will help Hammonton .....you are being lied to and misled.

Atlantic City politicans should have less say over Hammonton tax dollars in Atlantic County. If these Democrats take over in Atlantic County, we in Hammonton are not going to benefit.

Look how JON CORZINE and the Democrats have decimated South Jersey, the AC Casino's, the small rural communities at the state level. We do not need to surrender the county budget to these losers.

Sam Mento was asked to do a FOOL's TASK and Hammonton would surely lose out if we elect him and his running mates.

ELECT Curcio, Giordano & Formica vs. Mento and 2 Atlantic City hacks!!!!! 


 i agree


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Posts: 1241


Anonymous wrote:

More Democrats in Atlantic City indicted with voter election fraud. 13 democrats are being indicted forging names and stealing elections.

Corruption and voter fraud in Atlantic City must be stopped. We cannot let Atlantic County be overrun by corrupt Atlantic City politicans. I hope the Hammonton Democrats distanced themselves from the indicted Atlantic City politicans and ACORN crowd.

Sam Mento should denounce the stealing of elections by his fellow Atlantic City Democrats. We cannot afford turning Hammonton over to these scoundrels!!!!! Will Rich Jacobus write another letter supporting Craig Calloway of Atlantic City and William Bryant of Camden like he this year in the AC Press.

Here we go again what does Atlantic City have to do with Hammonton? Let's stick to talking about Hammonton politics. I heard that Hammonton could be the next stop for the Attorney General. They have already lied to LoBiondo about the money for down town and they lied to the Pinelands Commission about lake park and they lied to Civil Service about the hiring freeze. What if all this stuff hits the fan before the election? It will be fun to watch the squirming and who will be pointing the fingers at who. Maybe the Jersey Boys will be calling the Mayor again!


These two Atlantic City guys are Mentos running mates that he wants to run Atlantic County. If you think having two more Atlantic City people running the county budget will help Hammonton .....you are being lied to and misled.

Atlantic City politicans should have less say over Hammonton tax dollars in Atlantic County. If these Democrats take over in Atlantic County, we in Hammonton are not going to benefit.

Look how JON CORZINE and the Democrats have decimated South Jersey, the AC Casino's, the small rural communities at the state level. We do not need to surrender the county budget to these losers.

Sam Mento was asked to do a FOOL's TASK and Hammonton would surely lose out if we elect him and his running mates.

ELECT Curcio, Giordano & Formica vs. Mento and 2 Atlantic City hacks!!!!! 


 i agree

This is the type of thinking that degrades this wonderful country we live in. You are making a decision on two individuals based solely on the place where they live. Are they on the wrong side of the tracks from you? I believe this is called prejudice. This is the most irresponsible type of thinking and the worst way to cast your vote, one of the most important tasks you can perform as a citizen and taxpayer in this country. You need to judge the individual based on what he stands for and what he can do once elected, not because you don't like where he lives.

There is a group of you who are so afraid of the things that Sam Mento stand for that the only way you think you can defeat him is by tying him to other individuals you may not like. Sam has put out a great platform and is working very hard to spread his message, why not listen to what he says and stands for and leave the bashing to the local tabloid.


-- Edited by Admin on Friday 4th of September 2009 09:59:13 AM



Admin wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

More Democrats in Atlantic City indicted with voter election fraud. 13 democrats are being indicted forging names and stealing elections.

Corruption and voter fraud in Atlantic City must be stopped. We cannot let Atlantic County be overrun by corrupt Atlantic City politicans. I hope the Hammonton Democrats distanced themselves from the indicted Atlantic City politicans and ACORN crowd.

Sam Mento should denounce the stealing of elections by his fellow Atlantic City Democrats. We cannot afford turning Hammonton over to these scoundrels!!!!! Will Rich Jacobus write another letter supporting Craig Calloway of Atlantic City and William Bryant of Camden like he this year in the AC Press.

Here we go again what does Atlantic City have to do with Hammonton? Let's stick to talking about Hammonton politics. I heard that Hammonton could be the next stop for the Attorney General. They have already lied to LoBiondo about the money for down town and they lied to the Pinelands Commission about lake park and they lied to Civil Service about the hiring freeze. What if all this stuff hits the fan before the election? It will be fun to watch the squirming and who will be pointing the fingers at who. Maybe the Jersey Boys will be calling the Mayor again!


These two Atlantic City guys are Mentos running mates that he wants to run Atlantic County. If you think having two more Atlantic City people running the county budget will help Hammonton .....you are being lied to and misled.

Atlantic City politicans should have less say over Hammonton tax dollars in Atlantic County. If these Democrats take over in Atlantic County, we in Hammonton are not going to benefit.

Look how JON CORZINE and the Democrats have decimated South Jersey, the AC Casino's, the small rural communities at the state level. We do not need to surrender the county budget to these losers.

Sam Mento was asked to do a FOOL's TASK and Hammonton would surely lose out if we elect him and his running mates.

ELECT Curcio, Giordano & Formica vs. Mento and 2 Atlantic City hacks!!!!! 


 i agree

This is the type of thinking that degrades this wonderful country we live in. You are making a decision on two individuals based solely on the place where they live. Are they on the wrong side of the tracks from you? I believe this is called prejudice. This is the most irresponsible type of thinking and the worst way to cast your vote, one of the most important tasks you can perform as a citizen and taxpayer in this country. You need to judge the individual based on what he stands for and what he can do once elected, not because you don't like where he lives.

There is a group of you who are so afraid of the things that Sam Mento stand for that the only way you think you can defeat him is by tying him to other individuals you may not like. Sam has put out a great platform and is working very hard to spread his message, why not listen to what he says and stands for and leave the bashing to the local tabloid.


-- Edited by Admin on Friday 4th of September 2009 09:59:13 AM

Well, Jim since you asked, I will explain the basic math thats needs to be studied here......see if you are capable of following my logic.

The current Atlantic County Freeholder Board consists of 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats with Jim Curcio (he is from Hammonton) being the Chairman of the Board. Jim Curcio is the First Chairman of the Atlantic County Freeholder Board that has ever been from Hammonton. Maybe you do not realize it but being Chairman does have added power and responsibility.

If Sam Mento and his two Atlantic City running mates were elected to the Freeholder Board, the Democrats would attain 6 votes .......with a "SHOCKING" 3 votes from Atlantic City. Is this good for Hammonton?

Do the residents of Hammonton feel it is our best interest that the Freeholder Board representing Atlantic County should allow Atlantic City to have "3 members" of a 9 member board?

Sam Mento should have run a primary against one of his two running mates so Hammonton could have two votes vs. one vote. This why I agree with the statement that Sam Mento was recruited to do a "FOOL's TASK" because this will surely hurt the Hammonton area in my humble opinion.




Above great logic.  Jim Curci has done so much for Hammonton and the fifth district.  NOT!!  Unemployment is over 11% in the county.  Forbes magazine puts Atlantic county in the top 25 highest taxed counties.
Who has voted every year to raise spending and our taxes?  thats right good invisible man Jimmy.
We need new blood and fresh ideas at the county.  Jimmy takes two pensions Sam will take none.  Jimmy is a token chairman to rubber stamp the tax and spend policies of the Republican controlled board.
When Sam Mento wins Hamonton will get the lions share of the county's programs.
When all Jimmy has is his record to run on I guess all the reps can do is try to link Mento to AC, yeah thats a great platform.
This time Jimmy's do nothing and it will go away approach that did in Kessler Hospital will make him go away.


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The main point you just don't seem to get is that you don't vote against Sam for the reasons you stated, that doesn't make sense. In your argument Sam and Jim are both from Hammonton, so you are keeping the only available Hammonton seat.
The difference is we have already seen what little Jimmy can do for Hammonton, so it is time to end the 15 year reign of ineffectiveness and put in the young energetic Sam Mento who will look out for us, the gorgotten west end of Atlantic County.


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Posts: 1241

We also need Angelo and Joe on the Freeholder board because of the ineffectiveness of the Republican Freeholders.



Admin wrote:

The main point you just don't seem to get is that you don't vote against Sam for the reasons you stated, that doesn't make sense. In your argument Sam and Jim are both from Hammonton, so you are keeping the only available Hammonton seat.
The difference is we have already seen what little Jimmy can do for Hammonton, so it is time to end the 15 year reign of ineffectiveness and put in the young energetic Sam Mento who will look out for us, the gorgotten west end of Atlantic County.

Jim Curcio do nothing and it will go away like: Kessler, Patriot windows, Richmond glass, Buena plumbing, Dandre Produce, White Hall, yes he was there doing nothing when WHITEHALL closed




We need someone to represent Hammonton. Someone who will not be invisible.   That's what this election is about for Freeholder.  Hammonton has never been well represented by Curcio.  Being Chairman means nothing since he's done nothing.



I guess if the Chief grants the donated sick time to officer Hagerty that will really put the town in a financial crises. If they had to layoff 4 workers in June because they couldn't make payroll then this will definitely put them over the edge and then they will blame the Chief and layoff officers to make up the difference. The town hall and lake park project combined were suppose to cost a total of $5.9 million. Well town hall cost $12 million and the lake park is well over $2 million. So these project costs are more than double what they estimated. Then take into consideration the new telephone poles in front of town hall $80,000. Paving Vine St. twice $1 million. Eagle Theater and paving all those lots surrounding it. Legal fees when the Mayor brought charges against the Chief etc. etc. This money situation is out of control. But to continue to borrow to try and make up the difference will only put us deeper in debt. It's like a gambler keep chasing the money and you will get deeper and deeper in debt.



Hey did everyone get their rotted veggie bag that they paid people to deliver because they didn't want to have to talk to anyone? If elected I'm sure they will need to hire more family and friends and ayoff town employees so they can pay their family and friends higher salaries. How nice. I guess that's how they coined the phrase take care of your family first.



Can HF please answer why they hired 18 people and gave Brian Howell such a huge raise in addition to increasing his hourly rate. Why did they give the mayors relative the town accountant a huge raise and anther raise on top of that and hundreds and hundreds of change orders that tripled the cost of every project they touched. Then layoff the lowest paid employees stating the taxpayers want small govt. What is the sense of laying off employee when the money you save is only being used to increase the salaries of other employee who already make a good buck to start with. Why isnt that extra money being used to restore some of the services they have cut?



Anonymous wrote:

Can HF please answer why they hired 18 people ?

Other than the police, they were replacements for workers that retired.  However, maybe you feel all 18 shouild all be laid off. 

There are 6 police officers that cam on board in the past 4 years.  I guess you want to include those in the layoffs, correct?



I got my veggie bag.  No blueberry pie WTF!
I guess they spent the money to hire delivery people.  Why do some have Pennsylvania tags and no hub caps? Then again 2 out of there 4 candidates could not walk up more than one drive way.


Nancy Pelosi Letter?

What happened to the Nancy Pelosi Letter? Is this site being censored? I laughed my arse off reading that letter but I cannot find it anywhere. My sister called me to read that letter and it was very informative.

Can someone please repost that Pelosi letter.


RE: The Hammonton Democrats, the hope for Hammonton

Anonymous wrote:

What happened to the Nancy Pelosi Letter? Is this site being censored? I laughed my arse off reading that letter but I cannot find it anywhere. My sister called me to read that letter and it was very informative.

Can someone please repost that Pelosi letter.



Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House.  The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country.  But, Pelosi wanted routine access to a larger plane.  It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the-art communications system, and a crew of 16.  Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time," including weekend trips home to San Francisco . Pretty nice but very expensive perk!  Her Air Force C-32 (Boeing 757)costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.




Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco .  Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district.  Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.  Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce.


Paul Pelosi, Nancy 's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.  In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage.  This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition's.


Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an 'economic development credit in American Samoa .'


Pelosi has called the Bush Administration "CORRUPT" !!


How do you spell "HYPOCRISY" ??






Anonymous wrote:

What happened to the Nancy Pelosi Letter? Is this site being censored? I laughed my arse off reading that letter but I cannot find it anywhere. My sister called me to read that letter and it was very informative.

Can someone please repost that Pelosi letter.

I wish someone would post what the TRUE COSTS of the whole town hall project.  There was so much waste in all the downtown renovation and entire town hall project.



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If you want the truth about the Nancy Pelosi post you can read it here.



Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Can HF please answer why they hired 18 people ?

Other than the police, they were replacements for workers that retired.  However, maybe you feel all 18 shouild all be laid off. 

There are 6 police officers that cam on board in the past 4 years.  I guess you want to include those in the layoffs, correct?


LIES LIES and more LIES. HF can't keep their records straight to save their lives. Only 4 police officers were hired since 2006 and the only people who retired were Sal Verardi and John Aloisio. That totals 6 people what about the other 12? Also the letter to Civil Service according to the paper stated that Mayor and Council had a hiring freeze since 1/1/06 no new employees were hired, and there were no replacements for people who quit, retired or who were on extended sick leave so what's your answer now and don't think of a new LIE to tell. You are starting to forget your own LIES. I don't want layoffs just like all of the other taxpayers don't want layoff so stop LYING about that too! Since when would HF listen to the taxpayers? Taxpayers didn't want the trees at the lake cut down did HF listen NO! They are cutting more trees down in the fall. What HF needs to do is stop giving $10,000. raises to their family and friends. If the town is in such financially great shape they prove it by recinding the layoffs and cutting salaries of the already overpaid family and friends of HF.




Hey is it true Dennis Levinson is supporting HF and not the regular republicans? Isn't he the person who got Jerry Barberio a high paying county job? Does this mean taxpayers are paying Jerry two salaries one from the county and one from the town? Hey do you think Dennis Levinson will find jobs for the 4 employees the town laid off since the county has plenty of money and is not laying off?



Who is Jerry Barabario?



It looks like Hammonton First made a big effort to stop by many houses in Hammonton this weekend.  More houses will be visited next weekend.  It looks like the opposition will probably have to resort to more of their standard desparate negative campaigning.



Anonymous wrote:


Who is Jerry Barabario?


He's was in charge of the Lake Park Shade Tree Massacre.



Anonymous wrote:

What happened to the Nancy Pelosi Letter? Is this site being censored? I laughed my arse off reading that letter but I cannot find it anywhere. My sister called me to read that letter and it was very informative.

Can someone please repost that Pelosi letter.

I laugh my arse off too when I see fake reports from the far left and far right but something tells me that you actually believe the fake Pelosi letter.  That saddens me because too many Amercians like you get fooled by the far far left news media and Fox News.  We are being censored right now in our very own town.  We don't have open government.  Many people like you and me know what's truly going on in Hammonton and how things need to change for a better Hammonton.  HF IS BAD.  Some Republicans and Democrats are good. This year the BEST Ticket is Democrats in Hammonton.



Who is running for the Democrats? No one knows there names? What are there issues and platform?


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Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Who is running for the Democrats? No one knows there names? What are there issues and platform?

 To see the Hammonton Democratic candidates visit http://www.hammontondems.org

You can link to the Platform from the main page or go directly by clicking here



Anonymous wrote:

Who is running for the Democrats? No one knows there names? What are there issues and platform?

Nice one.  You know who they are and where to read their platform.  I guess you don't read the newspapers either.  Most people don't know the names of any party's candidates anyway.  If people take the time to talk to the candidates and read each party's platform then the Hammonton Democrats would be the most favored and win.



wow that guy needs a shovel.  it's getting think.

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