Curcio tried playing dirty politics in ducking the debate Sam Mento had challenged him to and then issuing his own challenge on local radio. His plan backfired when Sam Mento and a large group of his supporters walked into town hall at 7pm ready to go. The surprised faces of Curcio and the few supporters he had in the room told the tale. Curcio thought he had one upped Sam Mento, but Sam had his card in the hole and played it well. Mento supporters outnumbered Curcio's by at least 4 to 1. After a discussion with the moderator concerning the rules and format, the debate started and Sam presented his points well. He responded to every point that Curcio made with facts and figures and clearly came out on top. Congratulations Sam Mento, now on to victory on Nov. 3rd.
Jimmy got embarrassed tonight. Mento won big. Jimmy thought he was going to have a dog and pony show but, when Mento walked in with over fifty supporters Jimmy turned purple. You could actually see him deteriorate as the debate went on. Who is handling jimmy? Why would you let him get humiliated like that tonight. Frank D knew how to protect jimmy. jimmy has never won without Frank. Torissi was a fool to try to set Mento up and let jimmy walk in unprepared. Mento was impressive this evening.
Sam Mento won big! Jimmy really looked like a defeated man tonight. Even Harry Hurley was impressed with Mento and congradulated Sam on his victory. This dirty trick really back fired in the curcio camp. Stick a fork in him his fifteen year run is over.
Jimmy got embarrassed tonight. Mento won big. Jimmy thought he was going to have a dog and pony show but, when Mento walked in with over fifty supporters Jimmy turned purple. You could actually see him deteriorate as the debate went on. Who is handling jimmy? Why would you let him get humiliated like that tonight. Frank D knew how to protect jimmy. jimmy has never won without Frank. Torissi was a fool to try to set Mento up and let jimmy walk in unprepared. Mento was impressive this evening.
Good luck trying to spin this on mike and mike. I loved how Sam Mento called out Curcio for putting out a negative attack piece. "I understand why jimmy is trying to link him to other people's records. If had a record of increasing taxes 70% in ten years and as chairman watch county unemployment spike to 12%, the second highest in the state and well over the national average I would also talk about other peole's records. I certainly would not be talking about my own record" stated Mento.
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
Let's give the 3 Million to the farmer to not sell his multi-million dollar business to developers. Like he would sell the million dollar farm? Let's keep throwing our hard earned tax dollars at him because he doesn't have enough, and they put so many local NJ people to work. Haven't we had enough of that Republican bs? I am glad Curcio was embarrassed. I hope he was just as embarrassed as Anthony Falcone was when he attacked him on TV. What a bully. Someone needs to knock him down a few notches. Him and his buddy with the braces.
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
You obviously are an uninformed individual. You do not understand this whole subject. Al Boscov did not receive a single taxpayer penny. All he asked the county to do was back up the loan. Every other community he is in rushed to his aid to save the local jobs with no tax money involved. Curcio obviously did not understand the issue either. He stated last night he would rather give the money to other businesses. Again, we gave no money to anyone, the county just had to back up the loan Boscovs received.
Jimmy doesn't get it. With four jobs and pensions off the tax payers jimmy doesn't care about 800 jobs. Denny Levinson even said this was "a good thing for the employees" Mento won big the debatwas one of the most one sided victories this town has ever seen. Mike you know this to be true. Keep mailing out negative attacks against Sam Mento and his family. Don't try to out fox him again or you and your uncle Jimmy will get humiliated again.
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
You are correct we don't need another rubber stamp. Jimmy has been a rubber stamp for fifteen years. The days of fifteen minute meetings are over. Sam Mento will ask the questions and represent the fifth district with the visibility that has been lacking for the last decade. Sam Mento will demand the fifth district and Hammonton get the lions share.
Congradulations Sam! I wasn't at the debate but I was listening to you on Harry Hurley this morning when he declared you the winner. Keep it up! We need a regular working class guy representing Hammonton. To have Harry Hurley sing your praises on his show today, you must have made a good impression on him last night.
Congradulations Sam! I wasn't at the debate but I was listening to you on Harry Hurley this morning when he declared you the winner. Keep it up! We need a regular working class guy representing Hammonton. To have Harry Hurley sing your praises on his show today, you must have made a good impression on him last night.
Liar Liar pants on fire!!!!
It was good to hear everyone talking about how nice the new town hall facility and downtown area is looking. Mento and Curcio really talked up the new town hall and downtown business district.
Congradulations Sam! I wasn't at the debate but I was listening to you on Harry Hurley this morning when he declared you the winner. Keep it up! We need a regular working class guy representing Hammonton. To have Harry Hurley sing your praises on his show today, you must have made a good impression on him last night.
Liar Liar pants on fire!!!!
It was good to hear everyone talking about how nice the new town hall facility and downtown area is looking. Mento and Curcio really talked up the new town hall and downtown business district.
Our new town hall sucks - it's falling apart for 15 million dollars it's junk! We should sell it for scrap. Our down town is empty and full of roaches, termites and lead paint that's gross. With our failed economy and so many people unemployed our down town will look like the old west... deserted. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the homeless start begging for money on Bellevue. " Give me a dime on Central and Vine!! HA HA HA
It was sooo funny when Curio was whining on Hurley about the debate format this morning. Dude you wrote the format! Remind me to never call him for legal defense. Jimmy was totally unprepared. The small town farmer with a crooked smile really impressed a lot of people.
wow it is great to be part of the Mento campaign. After the big debate victory the phone has been ringiong off the hook with request for lawn signs. The response to the big fundraiser next week has doubled. Sam thanks for giving the team a boost of energy from your terrific performance Thursday night.
It was sooo funny when Curio was whining on Hurley about the debate format this morning. Dude you wrote the format! Remind me to never call him for legal defense. Jimmy was totally unprepared. The small town farmer with a crooked smile really impressed a lot of people.
Curcio thought that he would be victorious and that people will once again favor the invisible man. This was a big win for Mento obviously. Good Job Jim. Finally people are beginning to see that they have been misled and not well represented. We deserve more in Hammonton.
It was sooo funny when Curio was whining on Hurley about the debate format this morning. Dude you wrote the format! Remind me to never call him for legal defense. Jimmy was totally unprepared. The small town farmer with a crooked smile really impressed a lot of people.
Curcio thought that he would be victorious and that people will once again favor the invisible man. This was a big win for Mento obviously. Good Job Jim. Finally people are beginning to see that they have been misled and not well represented. We deserve more in Hammonton.
Boy it was a big mistake for the Curcio camp to put all their eggs in one basket. Sam Mento arrived prepared and really out shined the fifteen year politician. When Harry Hurley mentions the difference in preparation between the two candidates that is a slap in the face of the chairman of the board. jimmy is a token chairman to rubber stamp the tax and spend policies of the Atlantic County Republicans. They tryed to give him some visibility knowing he barely won last time. Now Jimmy has spent all his campaign fund on negative attacks against Sam Mento and his family, he is out of money and ideas. Good bye to the invisible man!
Chairman Jim Curcio is leading in the latest Democratic poll by Socialism Rules, 61% to 37% for Mentos. If Mentos can continue his very bitter style of campaigning, he may stop the 2% write-in campaign for Richard A. Jacobus.
Some of the hardcore democratic supporters are favoring Jacobus over Mentos. Write in campaigns usually hurt the challenger.
Dream on desperate lies from a desperate campaign mike and Mike don't worry it will be all over but the crying very soon. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$. Last night Mike W proclaimed he was HF. I am glad he decided to come out of the closet.
Dream on desperate lies from a desperate campaign mike and Mike don't worry it will be all over but the crying very soon. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$. Last night Mike W proclaimed he was HF. I am glad he decided to come out of the closet.
He has been a snake for years except this year Hf will even stick it up Curcio's ass. He can't deliver. Hey Jimmy, looks like the republicans are going to loose in Mullica and Hamilton and take you ith them. Oh well what you did to others is going to come home and get you. Remember what you did to good guys like Anthony Ingemi, Clark . Morano, Pajic, Berenato, and a whole host of others....bye bye and your family ate enough from the public table................take the two Mkies with you.
The slime machine / campaign being run by the local democrats is despicable. The excessive nasty letters to the local newspapers are not translating to votes.
Actually, it's all the whining by the Reps and HF about the Dems being mean to them that is losing votes. Maybe the 2 republican parties should have done things differently.
The slime machine / campaign being run by the local democrats is despicable. The excessive nasty letters to the local newspapers are not translating to votes.
Saying nothing tranlates to a dictatorship. This is America and the Declaration of Independence was seen as a nasty document to England. Hammonton needs its Indpendence from the Indpenedent Party that is ruining Hammonton.
HF thinks they know how to save the taxpayers money by saying "no new taxes" well that's getting old. If they want to save the taxpayers a ton of money what they should do is make all town administrators and department heads part time. Taxpayers would save millions on salary and health benefits. You always save more money when you cut at the top. How about it HF make all the high salaried employees part time - no benefits that's what all the big companies are doing.
Curcio tried playing dirty politics in ducking the debate Sam Mento had challenged him to and then issuing his own challenge on local radio. His plan backfired when Sam Mento and a large group of his supporters walked into town hall at 7pm ready to go. The surprised faces of Curcio and the few supporters he had in the room told the tale. Curcio thought he had one upped Sam Mento, but Sam had his card in the hole and played it well. Mento supporters outnumbered Curcio's by at least 4 to 1. After a discussion with the moderator concerning the rules and format, the debate started and Sam presented his points well. He responded to every point that Curcio made with facts and figures and clearly came out on top. Congratulations Sam Mento, now on to victory on Nov. 3rd.
The day before the debate Mento was whining about debate rules. What is he some kind of a nut?
No, he is an intelligent and thoughtful candidate who plans ahead. Jimmy Curcio refused to discuss the debate format and rules ahead of time. Because of his lack of foresight, the audience had to sit and wait for more than 20 minutes while the format and rules were worked out. The moderator, Harry Hurley, knew that such an event can't be run effectively without such planning and would not proceed without ground rules. This is the kind of governance we have come to expect from Mr Curcio and just one of the many reasons why we need to put new blood on the Freeholder Board. We need Sam Mento!
No, he is an intelligent and thoughtful candidate who plans ahead. Jimmy Curcio refused to discuss the debate format and rules ahead of time. Because of his lack of foresight, the audience had to sit and wait for more than 20 minutes while the format and rules were worked out. The moderator, Harry Hurley, knew that such an event can't be run effectively without such planning and would not proceed without ground rules. This is the kind of governance we have come to expect from Mr Curcio and just one of the many reasons why we need to put new blood on the Freeholder Board. We need Sam Mento!
Jimmy tried to put the debate together like he governs. Do nothing then right before an election put something together and half assed.
Put another one in the win column. Mento also won the second debate last night at Stockton College. Mento was well pepare and right on point. Jimmy for the second time arrived unprepared and even got a little bit nasty attacking Sam Mento. This caused the moderator to warn jimmy to follow the rules. Mento again spoke of cost effective ideas he would implement when elected to save tax payer money. There is a real difference this time between the two Freeholder candidats. If you think that things are good and we shouldn't change a thing then the choice is obvious. But, if you are feeling a little left out and think county government should be doing a little more then business as usual Sam Mento is the right person for todays challanges.
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
You obviously are an uninformed individual. You do not understand this whole subject. Al Boscov did not receive a single taxpayer penny. All he asked the county to do was back up the loan. Every other community he is in rushed to his aid to save the local jobs with no tax money involved. Curcio obviously did not understand the issue either. He stated last night he would rather give the money to other businesses. Again, we gave no money to anyone, the county just had to back up the loan Boscovs received.
Actually Jim, you are the one that needs to get a little understanding of how loan guarantees work. If Boscov's does not pay back the loan, no matter what the reason, the taxpayers of Atlantic County are on the hook for the entire $3 million.
So yes, significant taxpayer dollars are at risk. WHat about if other businesses in the County want the same deal? Where do you draw the line? How many millions and millions of dollars in debt do the Democrats want the taxpayers to be on the hook for?
The Republicans except for Curcio all voted in gavor of this job saving action. ALL of the other counties in every state where Boscov's is located voted in favor of this proposal. Frank Formica (Republican Freeholder) was quoted as saying "This was the right decision". Curcio was the only person who could did not see the importance of saving over 800 jobs for Atlantic County.
Mento was very red in the face when he was caught lying about Curcio calling back Al Boscov.
When Jim Curcio pulled out the phone records indicating he spoke with Al Boscov over 10 times regarding Boscov's risk free government loan aid package, Mento was very red faced.
This is why debates are good. It gives someone a chance to answer back when a candidate is lying, distorting facts. The actual phone records produced by Curcio was a very effective move.
BTW, where can I apply for risk free loan from New Jersey?
The Republicans except for Curcio all voted in gavor of this job saving action. ALL of the other counties in every state where Boscov's is located voted in favor of this proposal. Frank Formica (Republican Freeholder) was quoted as saying "This was the right decision". Curcio was the only person who could did not see the importance of saving over 800 jobs for Atlantic County.
Freeholder Joe McGettigan also voted against giving Al Boscov a bailout.
Mento was very red in the face when he was caught lying about Curcio calling back Al Boscov.
When Jim Curcio pulled out the phone records indicating he spoke with Al Boscov over 10 times regarding Boscov's risk free government loan aid package, Mento was very red faced.
This is why debates are good. It gives someone a chance to answer back when a candidate is lying, distorting facts. The actual phone records produced by Curcio was a very effective move.
BTW, where can I apply for risk free loan from New Jersey?
Telling lies seems to be the theme of the Democrats campaign this year. First the Democrats lied and said no taxpoayers dollars were at risk. Then they were caught in the above lie. I guess they will say anything to try to get elected.
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
You obviously are an uninformed individual. You do not understand this whole subject. Al Boscov did not receive a single taxpayer penny. All he asked the county to do was back up the loan. Every other community he is in rushed to his aid to save the local jobs with no tax money involved. Curcio obviously did not understand the issue either. He stated last night he would rather give the money to other businesses. Again, we gave no money to anyone, the county just had to back up the loan Boscovs received.
Actually Jim, you are the one that needs to get a little understanding of how loan guarantees work. If Boscov's does not pay back the loan, no matter what the reason, the taxpayers of Atlantic County are on the hook for the entire $3 million.
So yes, significant taxpayer dollars are at risk. WHat about if other businesses in the County want the same deal? Where do you draw the line? How many millions and millions of dollars in debt do the Democrats want the taxpayers to be on the hook for?
Maybe Joe Ingemi can write another letter to the editor blaming others because his party doesn't understand finances. He seems to have tons of free time anyway.
The government bailout mentality is so wrong. If you want a government capable of providing you everything........You will create a government that also take everything you have.
No to JON CORZINE on Nov. 3rd!!!!! No to OBAMANOMICS!!!!!! No to Government Bailouts!!!!!
We need to attract businesses to Hammonton and South Jersey. We also need to keep businesses in Hammonton and South Jersey. Reason enough to NOT ReElect Curcio. His business report card gets an F-. We need to save jobs and reduce property taxes. Without the revenue of business then property taxes would shoot up. There's a reason why both many Republicans and most Democrats refer Curcio as the Invisible Man.
We need to attract businesses to Hammonton and South Jersey. We also need to keep businesses in Hammonton and South Jersey. Reason enough to NOT ReElect Curcio. His business report card gets an F-. We need to save jobs and reduce property taxes. Without the revenue of business then property taxes would shoot up. There's a reason why both many Republicans and most Democrats refer Curcio as the Invisible Man.
HF does not want to bring jobs to Hammonton and they want to layoff more town employees. HF says no new taxes but wants to keep spending senselessly and keep borrowing. I can see not raising taxes but stop spending. HF has done nothing for this town another store down town closed. They have only done for themselves. They don't even want another hospital in Hammonton they would rather develop the property which benefits who?
We need to attract businesses to Hammonton and South Jersey. We also need to keep businesses in Hammonton and South Jersey. Reason enough to NOT ReElect Curcio. His business report card gets an F-. We need to save jobs and reduce property taxes. Without the revenue of business then property taxes would shoot up. There's a reason why both many Republicans and most Democrats refer Curcio as the Invisible Man.
Curcio says there is not a tax problem. Mento really set the record straight. Look at your tax bill and you will see Jimmy LIED about cutting taxes eight of the last nine years. The tax rate is a joke the Republicans use Bernnie Madoff style accounting to make it seem like it is lower. Like Sam said he could make his two bussinesses look extremely profitable if he removed the cost of health care from his operating budget. But, if his family ran there third generation business like that they wouldn't be open for very much longer.
I just had an idea. See if KMD can build a hospital! They keep building more and more 4-5 bedroom houses which puts 3+ children per house into the school system which is a drain on the taxes. Instead of more homes, build one hospital. Stevie D will be a hero.
I just had an idea. See if KMD can build a hospital! They keep building more and more 4-5 bedroom houses which puts 3+ children per house into the school system which is a drain on the taxes. Instead of more homes, build one hospital. Stevie D will be a hero.
What a great idea! But you have to remember how will this benefit him? Remember it's all about how they can make more money for themselves!
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
It's called spin. Sammy Mento got caught in a big lie by Curcio. Then it turned out Mento doesn't understand what a loan guarantee is. Now the Dems are trying anything to spin this.
We need to attract businesses to Hammonton and South Jersey. We also need to keep businesses in Hammonton and South Jersey. Reason enough to NOT ReElect Curcio. His business report card gets an F-. We need to save jobs and reduce property taxes. Without the revenue of business then property taxes would shoot up. There's a reason why both many Republicans and most Democrats refer Curcio as the Invisible Man.
Curcio says there is not a tax problem. Mento really set the record straight. Look at your tax bill and you will see Jimmy LIED about cutting taxes eight of the last nine years. The tax rate is a joke the Republicans use Bernnie Madoff style accounting to make it seem like it is lower. Like Sam said he could make his two bussinesses look extremely profitable if he removed the cost of health care from his operating budget. But, if his family ran there third generation business like that they wouldn't be open for very much longer.
Sam Mento won the debate in Hammonton. It was sad to read in the Gaz that jimmy resorted to calling Mento names. Hey Jimmy the truth hurts sometimes. You think it is an entitlement to you and your family to feed from the public trouth. Don't worry after you loose you will still has FOUR jobs payed for by the tax payers.
I think there is an opening for dog catcher. I know Jimmy will apply as long as it comes with benifits.
Curcio elected chairman of the county freeholder board?
I did not know Jim Curcio was elected Chairman of the Freeholder Board. No wonder why Hammonton has seen so many road and county projects get done this past year.
Curcio gets the job done and does it in a low key professional manner. Everyone seems to like Curcio's low key polite leadership style. Hammonton is well represented by Jim Curcio. Even I have to admit that having the Freeholder Chairman be from Hammonton does help our town.
I did not know Jim Curcio was elected Chairman of the Freeholder Board. No wonder why Hammonton has seen so many road and county projects get done this past year.
Curcio gets the job done and does it in a low key professional manner. Everyone seems to like Curcio's low key polite leadership style. Hammonton is well represented by Jim Curcio. Even I have to admit that having the Freeholder Chairman be from Hammonton does help our town.
I am a Democrat and voting Curcio. I can't agree more with the above post.
I did not know Jim Curcio was elected Chairman of the Freeholder Board. No wonder why Hammonton has seen so many road and county projects get done this past year.
Curcio gets the job done and does it in a low key professional manner. Everyone seems to like Curcio's low key polite leadership style. Hammonton is well represented by Jim Curcio. Even I have to admit that having the Freeholder Chairman be from Hammonton does help our town.
I am a Democrat and voting Curcio. I can't agree more with the above post.
That's why nothing gets done in this town because clueless people vote! They don't know the facts and base their votes on other things like a politicians looks, how they dress, the car they drive, where they work or who they are related to... some people think these are all very important reasons to decide who will get their vote. That's why every level of government is in turmoil.
I did not know Jim Curcio was elected Chairman of the Freeholder Board. No wonder why Hammonton has seen so many road and county projects get done this past year.
Curcio gets the job done and does it in a low key professional manner. Everyone seems to like Curcio's low key polite leadership style. Hammonton is well represented by Jim Curcio. Even I have to admit that having the Freeholder Chairman be from Hammonton does help our town.
That's the problem with voters they don't know anything about their elected officials.What do you mean, "I didn't know!" Looks like there's a lot you don't know. Take note of these facts:
Our county taxes are higher. Did you know that? Do you even know Curcio's record. Curcio's record of increasing taxes 70% in ten years and as chairman watched county unemployment spike to 12%, the second highest in the state and well over the national average. When he had the chance to save jobs in the county, he voted NO. No wonder you think he's low key. I'd not want to bring up my record as well in debates and in campaign literature.
This country and our town are in a severe financial crises. We need to elect people who will spend only when extremely necessary. People who can spend conservatively and watch every penny as if it was their own. We need people who can give us the most for our money without cutting services. When you cut all the senseless and wasteful spending this town can run very efficiently when the people in charge don't have an agenda that benefits them. That's why in November I'm voting for all Democrats. We can't afford to vote for wealthy businessmen who have no idea how the people of this town are struggling. We need to take back our town from the rich and uncaring. VOTE DEMOCRAT!
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
You obviously are an uninformed individual. You do not understand this whole subject. Al Boscov did not receive a single taxpayer penny. All he asked the county to do was back up the loan. Every other community he is in rushed to his aid to save the local jobs with no tax money involved. Curcio obviously did not understand the issue either. He stated last night he would rather give the money to other businesses. Again, we gave no money to anyone, the county just had to back up the loan Boscovs received.
Actually Jim, you are the one that needs to get a little understanding of how loan guarantees work. If Boscov's does not pay back the loan, no matter what the reason, the taxpayers of Atlantic County are on the hook for the entire $3 million.
So yes, significant taxpayer dollars are at risk. WHat about if other businesses in the County want the same deal? Where do you draw the line? How many millions and millions of dollars in debt do the Democrats want the taxpayers to be on the hook for?
Have the Democrats finally figured out that if the government co-signs loans for major corporations then the taxpayers are responsible for paying the bill if the company isn't able to?
Sounds like between this and the lie that little Sammy Mento was caught in at the debate the Dems are completely lost.
Of course we know that. Apparently Mr. Curcio didn't know that or was deliberately trying to deceive the public. He stated that he thought this money would be better used to help other projects, however no money was used for this project so there is no money for other projects. You then have to decide if this was a good risk, and everyone except him thought it was. His running mate, Frank Formica, even stated that at the debate. Mr Curcio obviously thought it was better to lose over 800 jobs at Boscov's and the Shore Mall and surrounding businesses rather than take the same risk many, many other communities thought was worth taking in order to save the jobs in their towns.
This country and our town are in a severe financial crises. We need to elect people who will spend only when extremely necessary. People who can spend conservatively and watch every penny as if it was their own. We need people who can give us the most for our money without cutting services. When you cut all the senseless and wasteful spending this town can run very efficiently when the people in charge don't have an agenda that benefits them. That's why in November I'm voting for all Democrats. We can't afford to vote for wealthy businessmen who have no idea how the people of this town are struggling. We need to take back our town from the rich and uncaring. VOTE DEMOCRAT!
Are you in favor of wealth redistribution and socialism? There is a reason why some people make money in a down economy, it's called they are smarter than you. These wealthy business owners supply jobs for a lot of families. Do you want to hurt all of these families as well. Get with the program you buffoon!
This country and our town are in a severe financial crises. We need to elect people who will spend only when extremely necessary. People who can spend conservatively and watch every penny as if it was their own. We need people who can give us the most for our money without cutting services. When you cut all the senseless and wasteful spending this town can run very efficiently when the people in charge don't have an agenda that benefits them. That's why in November I'm voting for all Democrats. We can't afford to vote for wealthy businessmen who have no idea how the people of this town are struggling. We need to take back our town from the rich and uncaring. VOTE DEMOCRAT!
Are you in favor of wealth redistribution and socialism? There is a reason why some people make money in a down economy, it's called they are smarter than you. These wealthy business owners supply jobs for a lot of families. Do you want to hurt all of these families as well. Get with the program you buffoon!
Hey idiot you must be a rich thief! I guess Bernie Madoff is your hero. He made a lot of money quick but not honestly. You must have not gone to college because you would have learned that the rich keep getting richer because they keep the poor poor. I'll try and keep it simple for you. Wealthy business owners pay their employees very little and in return expect them to work like dogs. Ex: all the employers in the town of Hammonton who employee Mexicans and illegal immigrants instead of Americans because why? They pay them minimum wage, no employee taxes and no health care and you are saying the employees benefit from this? I guess that's why our country is sending all our jobs overseas? What employers in Hammonton pay big bucks and health benefits? If you don't believe our town is struggling then why did our Mayor lay off town employees and don't use the excuse the workload was down!
If HF had a brain instead of laying off employees and cutting services they should have just stopped all their wasteful spending. Who benefited from all these projects? Any Hammonton people other than their friends and relatives? Most of the contractors were from out of town. I fail to see how this benefited the struggling taxpayer. I didn't benefit from any of it and I'm a taxpayer. Notice they don't spend their money foolishly they are cheap as crap they spend our money instead. Why are we paying Mayor and council a salary to spend our money to benefit them? The no new taxes benefits them more than us because they own so much property most of us only own 1 house.
if you think mento won over curcio you are kidding yourself. if giving the al boscov my tax money is mento's big issue. what local hammonton taxpayer wants to give al boscov a risk free 3 million dollar loan?
al boscov is laughing all the way to the bank. mento has been asked to do a fool's task running aggainst curcio. hammonton people work hard and pay taxes we do not need a rubber stamp giving away hammonton tax dollars
The phils won but mento lost. curcio represents hammonton's interests very well not atlantic city or camden
You obviously are an uninformed individual. You do not understand this whole subject. Al Boscov did not receive a single taxpayer penny. All he asked the county to do was back up the loan. Every other community he is in rushed to his aid to save the local jobs with no tax money involved. Curcio obviously did not understand the issue either. He stated last night he would rather give the money to other businesses. Again, we gave no money to anyone, the county just had to back up the loan Boscovs received.
Actually Jim, you are the one that needs to get a little understanding of how loan guarantees work. If Boscov's does not pay back the loan, no matter what the reason, the taxpayers of Atlantic County are on the hook for the entire $3 million.
So yes, significant taxpayer dollars are at risk. WHat about if other businesses in the County want the same deal? Where do you draw the line? How many millions and millions of dollars in debt do the Democrats want the taxpayers to be on the hook for?
Have the Democrats finally figured out that if the government co-signs loans for major corporations then the taxpayers are responsible for paying the bill if the company isn't able to?
Sounds like between this and the lie that little Sammy Mento was caught in at the debate the Dems are completely lost.
The whiole Democrat ticket will be whipped out. All they offer is negative campaigning and personal attacks.
I just had an idea. See if KMD can build a hospital! They keep building more and more 4-5 bedroom houses which puts 3+ children per house into the school system which is a drain on the taxes. Instead of more homes, build one hospital. Stevie D will be a hero.
What a great idea! But you have to remember how will this benefit him? Remember it's all about how they can make more money for themselves!
How will they benefit? Aren't they all brain surgeons?
Hey Governor Corzine is going to reduce taxes! Why can't HF do that since they have an 11 million dollar surplus? Hey HF give us that money back! That's if you really have it to give back!
Boy it was a big mistake for the Curcio camp to put all their eggs in one basket. Sam Mento arrived prepared and really out shined the fifteen year politician. When Harry Hurley mentions the difference in preparation between the two candidates that is a slap in the face of the chairman of the board. jimmy is a token chairman to rubber stamp the tax and spend policies of the Atlantic County Republicans. They tryed to give him some visibility knowing he barely won last time. Now Jimmy has spent all his campaign fund on negative attacks against Sam Mento and his family, he is out of money and ideas. Good bye to the invisible man!
Hey Governor Corzine is going to reduce taxes! Why can't HF do that since they have an 11 million dollar surplus? Hey HF give us that money back! That's if you really have it to give back!
Notice HF won't touch this comment. We are tired of hearing no tax increase. We want to hear that our taxes will be reduced. Well HF are you going to reduce our taxes and keep up the wasteful spending???
he amassed 600 million dollars from goldman sachs during his 10 years
sounds like stealing to me
Get rid of all incumbent especially Corzine, Curcio, Giordano, and Barberio. We have to send a united message that we need our taxes reduced.
Ballots in New Jersey will not identify the incumbent candidates when you vote in November. Below are websites to help find the incumbents so you can GRIP at the polls.
Wow I read the attack add jimmy is putting out against Sam Mento and his family. How could he blame that family for Kessler and expressway toll hikes. I never liked this type of campaigning and this is the straw that broke the camel's back. I support Sam Mento for Freeholder. Hammonton deserves more then a person who does little more then negative campaign.
Wow I read the attack add jimmy is putting out against Sam Mento and his family. How could he blame that family for Kessler and expressway toll hikes. I never liked this type of campaigning and this is the straw that broke the camel's back. I support Sam Mento for Freeholder. Hammonton deserves more then a person who does little more then negative campaign.
It's time put the lights out on Hammonton First and elect some CFL's. Creative Futureminded Leaders - Ingemi, Ammirato, Scarpato and Villani.
You need to take a look at the individuals and what they stand for, what they will do for the town once elected. To not vote for someone simply because of a political party they belong to seems very short sighted and prejudicial. Read the platform on the website, look at the Bio's for each candidate and make an informed decision, not a simple, easy way out party line decision.
I will never vote democrat but the new bulb is a good ad
The ad was good indeed but the Democratic Platform has got lots of good ideas for Hammonton. I can't see how you can vote Republican this year at all. It just doesn't make sense at all. Really, I'm serious.
The personal letter from Bill Parkhurst that he mailed me endorsing Sam Mento was really nice. I believe Bill and think Sam Mento III will be enthusiam and energy to the Freeholder Board. Jimmy is a nice person but fifteen years was a good enough term.
I will never vote democrat but the new bulb is a good ad
The ad was good indeed but the Democratic Platform has got lots of good ideas for Hammonton. I can't see how you can vote Republican this year at all. It just doesn't make sense at all. Really, I'm serious.
Are you serious about voting for the Democratic Party at the local or the state level? Jon Corzine has seriously bankrupted our state. New Jersey is going to have an 8 Billion dollar shortfall on a 28 Billion dollar budget.
I do not trust the local Democratic Party either because the last time they were in power, the Democrats ushered in low income housing which really overburdened our local schools and our local police.
The Republicans are better at balancing the books and keeping the debt low. You really should hold the Democrats accountable because they really hurt our town the last time they were in power in 2003.
In 2003 the Republicans held the majority on Council. They also headed up the planning board that pushed this project through. The local Democratic team is not looking back to the past, but to the future. They are the only team that has put forth a detailed platform to take Hammonton into the 21st century. They are the most qualified team. Check out the info at
I will never vote democrat but the new bulb is a good ad
The ad was good indeed but the Democratic Platform has got lots of good ideas for Hammonton. I can't see how you can vote Republican this year at all. It just doesn't make sense at all. Really, I'm serious.
Are you serious about voting for the Democratic Party at the local or the state level? Jon Corzine has seriously bankrupted our state. New Jersey is going to have an 8 Billion dollar shortfall on a 28 Billion dollar budget.
I do not trust the local Democratic Party either because the last time they were in power, the Democrats ushered in low income housing which really overburdened our local schools and our local police.
The Republicans are better at balancing the books and keeping the debt low. You really should hold the Democrats accountable because they really hurt our town the last time they were in power in 2003.
In 2003, Republicans were the majority and controlled everything. Blame the Republicans for that problem. You really should hold the Republicans accountable for the things you're blaming Democrats for. Especially in 2003 like you're rightfully mad about. The Republicans did this to us. No way you and I should vote for them when the Democrats have the best plan for Hammonton.
Anonymous wrote:Low income houses overburdened the schools? Not all the homes built by the Republican (HF) KMD family? Or Royce Run? How come no one questions them when they throw up a new development of single family homes? Hypocrite. They have overburdened the schools, police, trash, etc.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
hey jim that is very creative
I will never vote democrat but the new bulb is a good ad
The ad was good indeed but the Democratic Platform has got lots of good ideas for Hammonton. I can't see how you can vote Republican this year at all. It just doesn't make sense at all. Really, I'm serious.
Are you serious about voting for the Democratic Party at the local or the state level? Jon Corzine has seriously bankrupted our state. New Jersey is going to have an 8 Billion dollar shortfall on a 28 Billion dollar budget.
I do not trust the local Democratic Party either because the last time they were in power, the Democrats ushered in low income housing which really overburdened our local schools and our local police.
The Republicans are better at balancing the books and keeping the debt low. You really should hold the Democrats accountable because they really hurt our town the last time they were in power in 2003.
In 2003, Republicans were the majority and controlled everything. Blame the Republicans for that problem. You really should hold the Republicans accountable for the things you're blaming Democrats for. Especially in 2003 like you're rightfully mad about. The Republicans did this to us. No way you and I should vote for them when the Democrats have the best plan for Hammonton.
Curcio gained a key endorsement in Corbin City. The former Democratic mayor has endorsed Jim Curcio this election. This maybe a clean sweep for Curcio in all 17 towns in Atlantic County.
Oh please. Classic shut down by small, little hammonton politics. Absolutely ridiculous to see people actually support this man. A farmer??? So he can buy an already existant farm for a few months and consider himself in the group??? A person who USES veterans and tricks them to promote his own name??? To step on those in his own family to promote his own name??? I WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS but I know this man and I know he treats those around him. Be absentminded once again hammonton...what a joke.