Each Thursday night the merchants on Bellevue Avenue keep their stores open late for Hammonton shoppers. The Hammonton Democrats have kept their Headquarters open each Thursday night also with special events each week and the candidates available to meet & greet Hammonton residents and listen to their concerns and ideas for Hammonton government while providing their own thoughts and plans for the taxpayers. This week on Thursday 10/29 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm the Democratic candidates will be featuring a Surf & Turf night with filet mignon steaks and lobster tail available for all visitors. This is the last Thursday night event prior to the election. Stop in for a great meal and use this opportunity to talk with Mayoral candidate Joe Ingemi, and Council candidates Mike Ammirato, Jim Scarpato, and Carmen Villani. Tell them your concerns, ask them questions, and hear what they will do for this Town and it's residents once elected.
I am sure that the Hammonton First team will show up, looks like they haven't missed a meal lately.I don't know if the Democrats have a buget large enough to feed them, one would most likely need an entire side of beef.
Just say no to Mickey, the towns' insurance is too much already. Hammonton First already awards it to the family with no bids from anywhere else....mickey is a confict...and so is Steve...he was a conflict on the school board , while funding his brother the Mayor and now he will further fund his puppet master.