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Post Info TOPIC: Results will be posted on Hammonton Democrats website

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Posts: 1241
Results will be posted on Hammonton Democrats website

Initial results are unofficial until certified by Atlantic County Clerk
Initial results do not include absentee or provisional ballots.
Go to HammontonDems.com for results



Curcio wins big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I hope Santa brings me a CD of the 3 tenors this year!  Win, win , win ,win ,win win , winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!



I would like to thank all my friends and family for their support. Although we fell short, I am proud of our hard work and the campaign we ran. The disappointing result was certainly not due to a lack of effort. Even in defeat we can find victories. I have grown as a person and learned so much about the people and the business of the county. It truly was a memorable experience.
I also tip my hat to my opponent Jim Curcio. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jim and his family. And, I wish them all the best of luck. During campaigns words often become heated but, in the end we all live and want the best for our community.
I am grateful for this tremendous opportunity. I truly feel that this is just the beginning for me and I look forward to the future.


Sam Mento III



Anonymous wrote:

I would like to thank all my friends and family for their support. Although we fell short, I am proud of our hard work and the campaign we ran. The disappointing result was certainly not due to a lack of effort. Even in defeat we can find victories. I have grown as a person and learned so much about the people and the business of the county. It truly was a memorable experience.
I also tip my hat to my opponent Jim Curcio. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jim and his family. And, I wish them all the best of luck. During campaigns words often become heated but, in the end we all live and want the best for our community.
I am grateful for this tremendous opportunity. I truly feel that this is just the beginning for me and I look forward to the future.


Sam Mento III

Sam well said.  You always were a class act.  Good luck to you and yours!




I agree you are a class act and worked hard throughout this campaign. Jim Curcio has become a stale polictician who surfaces during the campaign season and then hibernates again. I feel you would have a great presence and worked very hard for the people.  Job well done.



I'm very surprised at the comments made in the Press of Atlantic City (11/04/09) by Mayoral Candidate Joseph Ingemi. He says that it's a dark day for Hammonton and that the people of Hammonton made a mistake !!  WOW !!!

Talk about a lack of class !!!!  Ingemi will NEVER be elected to office in Hammonton, not after making those comments !!!



...or more likely not be elected for telling the truth.



Most people in this town don't appreciate people who tell the truth or tell it like it is in reality. They'd rather have someon kiss their butts, make them false and empty promises and flat out lie to them. Well, they got what they want and what they deserve. What a shame and a disgrace for the rest of us!



Anonymous wrote:

I'm very surprised at the comments made in the Press of Atlantic City (11/04/09) by Mayoral Candidate Joseph Ingemi. He says that it's a dark day for Hammonton and that the people of Hammonton made a mistake !!  WOW !!!

Talk about a lack of class !!!!  Ingemi will NEVER be elected to office in Hammonton, not after making those comments !!!

Many have said that about Hammonton First.  Joe is MAN enough to speak his mind and not be fearful of Hammonton First.  It truly is a dark day knowing that we will still have Hammonton First for at least 4 more years.




We all want HAMMONTON FIRST forever!!!!!



Joe Ingemi acts like a child having a temper tantrum!



Why?  Because he is the only one that refused to kneel before Hammonton First?  Unlike the kool-aid brigade.

Don't worry though, we will get to see pleny of temper tantrums after Jan 1 during the Council Meetings.



I was not born or raised in  Hammonton but I loved this little town. I studied this campaign (blog,newspaper,tv,etc). One thing I know is that Ham 1st never said a negative word about any of their opponents. I new these were the people to vote for. Positive people leading a positive town. You need to watch KARMA democrates!



nasty people suck



Anonymous wrote:

I was not born or raised in  Hammonton but I loved this little town. I studied this campaign (blog,newspaper,tv,etc). One thing I know is that Ham 1st never said a negative word about any of their opponents. I new these were the people to vote for. Positive people leading a positive town. You need to watch KARMA democrates!

You don't have to speak negatively if you have the family that is your largest contributor doing it for you.  The HG gives full pages articles on HF but gives only a few paragraphs about the Dems and Reps.  I'm not talking about the articles submitted by each party.  It's the articles written by the editor, publisher and their journalists that don't say anything positive of the Dems and Reps but say lots of positive things about even new HF candidates who never served a day in office.




Anonymous wrote:

I was not born or raised in  Hammonton but I loved this little town. I studied this campaign (blog,newspaper,tv,etc). One thing I know is that Ham 1st never said a negative word about any of their opponents. I new these were the people to vote for. Positive people leading a positive town. You need to watch KARMA democrates!

Don't give up on loving Hammonton.  Many like you say that they loved this town.  I on the other hand Still LOVE this town and will not be afraid to say anything positive or negative.  I will not be silenced.  Positive change comes from free speech not silence.




Anonymous wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I was not born or raised in  Hammonton but I loved this little town. I studied this campaign (blog,newspaper,tv,etc). One thing I know is that Ham 1st never said a negative word about any of their opponents. I new these were the people to vote for. Positive people leading a positive town. You need to watch KARMA democrates!

Don't give up on loving Hammonton.  Many like you say that they loved this town.  I on the other hand Still LOVE this town and will not be afraid to say anything positive or negative.  I will not be silenced.  Positive change comes from free speech not silence.



May God Have Mercy On Us All. 




Your attitude is why you lost this election!! You have always been your own worst enemy!! You just don't get it!!  I am a reg. Dem. and I couldn't vote for you! Your frustration and anger just turned people off!   



Yes and I am sure you went to the Democratic Meetings and expressed this concern to the candidates or officers.  I do not think there were locks on their doors.

Of course not, you were home were being positive while eating your vegetables.



When candidates constantly go negative, they risk turning off even their supporters.  Now lashing out at those same supporters will only turn them off further.



Anonymous wrote:

When candidates constantly go negative, they risk turning off even their supporters.  Now lashing out at those same supporters will only turn them off further.

Democrats need to be more proactive and vocal. More Democrats need to come to the Democratic club meeting and speak up about what they like and DON'T like.  They should not be passive and stay home.  I do not blame this on the candidates.  I blame this on the way the whole party has been in Hammonton since FOREVER.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

When candidates constantly go negative, they risk turning off even their supporters.  Now lashing out at those same supporters will only turn them off further.

Democrats need to be more proactive and vocal. More Democrats need to come to the Democratic club meeting and speak up about what they like and DON'T like.  They should not be passive and stay home.  I do not blame this on the candidates.  I blame this on the way the whole party has been in Hammonton since FOREVER.


Democrats in Hammonton should be PROUD that they are Democrats.  We know that Republicans have the majority but Democrats CAN WIN.   So to all the Democrats out there.  Go out and support the party NOW. Go to the next club meeting.




I am a proud democrat! I just wasn't proud of our Dem. candidate! That is why we moved on. It is not our job to tell our Dem. candidate how to conduct himself. It is our job to vote for a candidate that we respect and we did.



That what makes this country great.

Now, stop wasting everyone's time on this blog trying to make a point that you made inthe voting booth.

Or are you also proud being a jerk?



Anonymous wrote:

I am a proud democrat! I just wasn't proud of our Dem. candidate! That is why we moved on. It is not our job to tell our Dem. candidate how to conduct himself. It is our job to vote for a candidate that we respect and we did.

Thanks for voting anyway, many citizens don't exercise the long fought right to vote.  Many people though forget that politicians work for us and it is our job to tell them how we feel.  I hope that if your candidate that you voted won that you tell them how you feel before, during and after elections.  I hope that you also tell any candidates that won but you didn't vote for the same thing.



Anonymous wrote:

I am a proud democrat! I just wasn't proud of our Dem. candidate! That is why we moved on. It is not our job to tell our Dem. candidate how to conduct himself. It is our job to vote for a candidate that we respect and we did.

All of the Democratic candidates did a great job throughout this campaign. They were upfront and honest and not afraid to tell the truth about the troubles this town is facing now and the bigger problems coming very shortly down the road because of the actions of our present Mayor & Council. The candidate stayed true to his beliefs and spoke honestly. I guess you would have been happier if he had betrayed his beliefs and lied about Hammonton's future.



Joe Ingemi and Sam Mento III ran a very negative campaign. The personal attacks on fellow Hammontonians really was not warranted and never gains votes.



It is alot easier to have a newspaper being negative on your behalf.

Funny thing, the HF'ers won yet they are not happy with that.  They still come to the Dems blog to write stuff.



Anonymous wrote:

Joe Ingemi and Sam Mento III ran a very negative campaign. The personal attacks on fellow Hammontonians really was not warranted and never gains votes.

What's not warranted are people not speaking up with the truth.  We DO NOT have honest open government in Hammonton at all.  We're being deceived.  We are being fooled.  It's just plain wrong.  It's really ashame.



Anonymous wrote:

That what makes this country great.

Now, stop wasting everyone's time on this blog trying to make a point that you made inthe voting booth.

Or are you also proud being a jerk?

Oh how we hate hearing the truth!!!




To gain control of this council, the Dems are going to have to make nice with the Republicans and run a combined ticket under the Republican Column.  You are being outvoted 3-1 at the polls and that is a trend that will take years to reverse.  You do not have the resources or the Star Power to compete as a stand alone entity.  People will not give creditibility to a bunch of winers and complainers.  You will not attact membership with this attitude.  You will just get tuned out. 

Also, people are visual in nature.  If HF is lying about the fiscal health of the town, then you need to show us.  Print the debt line items for comparitive years over and over to drive your point home.  Take pictures of shoddy construction at the town's new buildings.  Come up with a web strategy other than this blog that is positive and useful in it's message.

I lived in town for a shade over 5 years.  I know what I see.  I see a downtown that is in the process of revitalization, regardless of who owns the buildings.  I see an ACE Hardware store replacing the Chevy Dealership.  I see an arts movement with musuems and a theater.  I see plans for a new Atlanticare facility hopefully on the pike.  I see that although we lost the hospital we kept an emergency room.  When I moved here, I saw a town taking 7 years to decide on where to build a town hall.  Ridiculous.  HF got visual results done.  You need to show us what your point is.  I voted for HF and will continue to do so until someone shows me this is not in our best interest.  I am sure HF has some conflict of interest, but you can't sit here and tell me that your supporters wouldn't benefit from your election either.  As long as it's for the greater good, someone must benefit.

I am sure you have heard all these points before but I think they were worth restating.



Drive down Grape street.  Post again after you have to fix your car's alignment. 

Bottom Line: People see what they want to see.  You don't see the issues being raised then the other side are winers.



I live on Grape Street and happen to like it just the way it is, those potholes are the only thing that slows people down.  If Grape St. is resurfaced it will be like the AC Expressway!



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

That what makes this country great.

Now, stop wasting everyone's time on this blog trying to make a point that you made inthe voting booth.

Or are you also proud being a jerk?

Is a jerk a anyone who disagrees with you!! There must be alot of jerks in this town!! 




Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Anonymous wrote:

Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 

Just wait till you get the bill. They can only put it off for so long...




Our problems started when Joe Ingemi started making deals with the Republicans. He deserves the terrible results. Keep supporting John McCain and expect my support. No way.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 

Just wait till you get the bill. They can only put it off for so long...


If we do get a tax increase at least we can see the reason why. We've seen tax increases with past mayor's and the town looked horrible!! Now I'm not embarrassed to have out-of-town friends drive down Main street to visit me. And I love that we can walk down town at nite to get coffee and shop and feel proud again!!!!



That's nice of this website to congratulate Hammonton First.  "Congratulations You Won" while the People of Hammonton lost.



Anonymous wrote:

Admin wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 

Just wait till you get the bill. They can only put it off for so long...


If we do get a tax increase at least we can see the reason why. We've seen tax increases with past mayor's and the town looked horrible!! Now I'm not embarrassed to have out-of-town friends drive down Main street to visit me. And I love that we can walk down town at nite to get coffee and shop and feel proud again!!!!

My out of town friends get nasty stares (and worse) because of their license plates.

 A female friend was even approached by a long-time store owner and he asked where she was from. She won't come back.

I have never not walked down town at night, especially in the summer. Although I do not buy coffee, I have always felt safe. I don't go out late of course. Why do you all live in fear? I think it is all in your head.



Admin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 

Just wait till you get the bill. They can only put it off for so long...


Jim, your comments pretty much sum up why you are always losing.  Haven't you figured out that constant negative campaigning is chasing everyone awaym your candidates?


Status: Offline
Posts: 1241

Nothing negative was said during this campaign. Our campaign pointed out the concerns we had and still have for Hammonton's future. Our concerns are based on facts and figures. We question the extravagant spending by our government, especially during these tough economic times. We question the cutbacks in Municipal services. We question the lack of investment in the roads and infrastructure of our town. We question the lack of investment in 21st century technologies. We question the commitment to job development in Hammonton. We question the services and quality of life initiatives provided to special needs residents of our town. We question the commitment to new business in Hammonton which will ease the burden on the Hammonton taxpayers.
We acknowledge that extraordinary funds have been spent on the aesthetic appearance of the downtown, but we feel the basic investment needed for the long term have been ignored.
It is not negative to voice your opinion. It would be negative to keep quiet and allow government to go unchecked when you feel they are not addressing the true needs and concerns of the town.



thanks to everyone for helping get rid of jon corzine.

we can all take solace in our united efforts to rid new jersey of this thief.

Independents, Republicans, Democrats and even Hammonton Firsters knew to get rid of this character.

Special thanks to all of the Democrats that voted for Chris Christie.



If we do get a tax increase at least we can see the reason why. We've seen tax increases with past mayor's and the town looked horrible!! Now I'm not embarrassed to have out-of-town friends drive down Main street to visit me. And I love that we can walk down town at nite to get coffee and shop and feel proud again!!!!

HF is getting us prepared.  They already are trying to convince us  why getting a tax hike is okay. 




Anonymous wrote:
You need to learn how to read!! No one said they were afraid!!! They said they were embarresed !

Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 

Just wait till you get the bill. They can only put it off for so long...


If we do get a tax increase at least we can see the reason why. We've seen tax increases with past mayor's and the town looked horrible!! Now I'm not embarrassed to have out-of-town friends drive down Main street to visit me. And I love that we can walk down town at nite to get coffee and shop and feel proud again!!!!

My out of town friends get nasty stares (and worse) because of their license plates.

 A female friend was even approached by a long-time store owner and he asked where she was from. She won't come back.

I have never not walked down town at night, especially in the summer. Although I do not buy coffee, I have always felt safe. I don't go out late of course. Why do you all live in fear? I think it is all in your head.




Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
You need to learn how to read!! No one said they were afraid!!! They said they were embarresed !


Anonymous wrote:


Admin wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Your right this town looks amazing! So many changes in just 4 yrs that we haven't seen in 40 yrs! I don't care what party this mayor is from, we all need to admit this guy is doing a GREAT job!!! He increased my property value with all his improvements. 

Just wait till you get the bill. They can only put it off for so long...


If we do get a tax increase at least we can see the reason why. We've seen tax increases with past mayor's and the town looked horrible!! Now I'm not embarrassed to have out-of-town friends drive down Main street to visit me. And I love that we can walk down town at nite to get coffee and shop and feel proud again!!!!

My out of town friends get nasty stares (and worse) because of their license plates.

 A female friend was even approached by a long-time store owner and he asked where she was from. She won't come back.

I have never not walked down town at night, especially in the summer. Although I do not buy coffee, I have always felt safe. I don't go out late of course. Why do you all live in fear? I think it is all in your head.

You need to learn how to read!! No one said they were afraid!! They said they were embarressed how the center of town looked, and how much better it looks now!! And I agree!!  So what really goes on in your head? And why are bringing uP fear?? hmmmmmm




Why can't people agree that Hammonton should be better?  There needs to be a better vision for All of Hammonton.  What I've seen is too much focus on a few square yards when there are many square miles in need.



Whatever losers the Democrats run will clinch the 7, 8, and 9 spots early after "speaking out" with "pithy sayings" like "truth to power."

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