Boy, it's a great thing that Hammonton is in such better shape than these other communities. To quote our Mayor, "...Hammonton is better positioned than anywhere else to weather this storm. Just think how bad it would be if we had to make cutbacks like some of these other towns. Just think how it would look if we had to do cutbacks while some of our own council members aren't paying their taxes. Can you imagine how our police department would react if we had to do layoffs when one of the people who are negotiating with them doesn't pay his taxes? It's good that we won't be seeing any tax increase and we won't have any cutbcaks either. Hammonton First, the party of their word!!!
Can you imagine how our police department would react if we had to do layoffs when one of the people who are negotiating with them doesn't pay his taxes?
Great point. Imagine the perception of Mickey "I don't pay my taxes" Pullia telling the cops to take a pay cut or calling for layoffs.
If someone does not have the personal accountability or the commone sense to pay their taxes, I wonder if they should be negotiating labor contracts or even be sitting on Council.
This is starting to become an embarrassment. Mickey should think about resigning before the budget is released for the sake of the Town. It was a goo three months but I don;t think he can be effective anymore now that his credibility is zero.
RE: SOJO 104 Radio reports Buena to lay off 30% of police force and all dispatchers
I still can't understand how someone who can't manage their finances can actually consider running for council. We need people who can handle their checkbook and not be deadbeats. How much is the fine for being a deadbeat, $50 or something?
Boy, it's a great thing that Hammonton is in such better shape than these other communities. To quote our Mayor, "...Hammonton is better positioned than anywhere else to weather this storm. Just think how bad it would be if we had to make cutbacks like some of these other towns. Just think how it would look if we had to do cutbacks while some of our own council members aren't paying their taxes. Can you imagine how our police department would react if we had to do layoffs when one of the people who are negotiating with them doesn't pay his taxes? It's good that we won't be seeing any tax increase and we won't have any cutbcaks either. Hammonton First, the party of their word!!!
Not sure if you are alert enough to have have been cut! Our town has had layoffs where have you been?? Full time people where made part time? I guess that's why you voted for HF because you are really clueless. Now go help Mikey learn how to use a calculator.
It seems as though our town is in a real bind. Town Hall is very dirty and they have the lights turned off. Last week the building department was closed? Gee I wonder why? I don't ever remember a Mayor closing a town office. Didn't our previous Mayor say that was the reason why the town couldn't furlough because if they closed town hall it would jeopardize the safety of the taxpayers. Wouldn't a dirty town hall and having taxpayers maneuver in a dark town hall be more of a risk to the taxpayers? Not sure why the building office was closed but I guess this Mayor doesn't care about safety.
It seems as though our town is in a real bind. Town Hall is very dirty and they have the lights turned off. Last week the building department was closed? Gee I wonder why? I don't ever remember a Mayor closing a town office. Didn't our previous Mayor say that was the reason why the town couldn't furlough because if they closed town hall it would jeopardize the safety of the taxpayers. Wouldn't a dirty town hall and having taxpayers maneuver in a dark town hall be more of a risk to the taxpayers? Not sure why the building office was closed but I guess this Mayor doesn't care about safety.
They forget that Town Hall belongs to the People. They are not taking care of Our Property. Why did we build a new town hall if they're not going to take care of it.
I heard the Assistant Town Clerk got rid of cleaning crew because she wants a big raise this year. Did anyone ever see the meeting minutes where she puts bills in to the town for her clothes? No wonder she works so well with HF she is just like them all for her and no one else.