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Post Info TOPIC: Mayor's chat , nothing new about hospital

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Mayor's chat , nothing new about hospital

12/4 Mayor DiDonato holds his first "Chat with the Mayor" meeting in Town Council chambers. The main topic of discussion was the plight of Kessler hospital. While there were a lot of prestaged and spontaneous testimonials to the hospital, there were no real answers to the problems Kessler faces. We all know how how important the hospital is to Hammonton. We all want to save it. But lawn signs won't do the job. The Mayor stated several times that the hospital is actively seeking a partner to join with the hospital and bring financial stablility. We also believe that is the real answer. Whether someone comes in and runs the current building or moves to another location in Town, someone needs to come in and help. It was stated that only 20% of Hammontonians seeking medical care go to our hospital. That speaks volumes as to some of the steps that need to be taken. To make our hospital more solvent that number needs to double to 40%. To do that the hospital needs to regain the confidence of the people of Hammonton. If only 20% go there, there must be a lack of confidence in the care given. Face it, we have all heard stories. This hospital needs to actively change the perception of the community. We have the only Board certified emergency staff in the area. Did you know that??? Why don't we know that? PR needs to become a daily activity of this hospital. And the staff can not sit back and feel comfortable that they are doing their best. They must go the extra mile to gain the support of the community. All of these steps will make the hospital more enticing to a "partner". There's not a whole lot government can do in this situation, but the hospital, the administration , the Board, the staff all need to be willing to accept new leadership and change so that all of Hammonton can benefit by keeping the hospital here.

The Hammonton News Editorial of 12/6 says the same things. Click here

-- Edited by Admin at 10:15, 2006-12-06


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I agree that the Mayor keeping everyone informed and getting more information to us the taxpayers is a great thing. He should continue to do that so we know what is going on.

How did I help bankrupt the school system? Get your facts straight. When I left the Board there was no deficit. Even with the lack of funding from the state the school stayed within the budget. The building project finished on budget and has NO effect on the regular budget because they are paid out of separate funds. That is why you vote on two different tax levies when you vote for the school budget in April.

I do not proclaim to be any kind of expert, however I do try and keep myself informed about what is going on in Town and I would assume you have no problem with me offering my opinion. I attend meetings as often as I can and I keep informed by asking questions. I thought Hammonton was a free Town just like America, maybe not in your part of Town.

And as for the name calling, I will not delete it because I think it is important that everyone know the inteeligence level of the person that made these statements.



Anonymous wrote:

At least the Mayor is trying to let people know what's going on and gain awareness and support for the hospital. Jim MacLane, who made the original post here and runs this website, helped bankrupt the school system and now weighs in on every town issue, like he's some kind of expert. Yeah, he's an expert alright on screwing things up and making weird deals with his boss Bob Capoferri. Take that you creepy, filthy wierdo!

P.S. - You're not from Town.

Disgraceful post.  Must you attack anyone who has an opinon that is not the same as yours?



That's what's wrong with Firsters. They don't like anyones opinion except their own. We are all supposed to shut up and pay homage to the mayor.



You may be getting a call from the "Jackson Group."  They are pollsters for AtlantiCare, who is looking at buying Kessler and wants to know if Hammontonians support the hospital.  They will be asking about health care issues.  Please be positive about Kessler and AtlantiCare.

Please put up your signs!  We need to show AtlantiCare we support our hospital!!!

Democrats claim they have union support.  Democrats need to support the unions of Kessler!



Our mayor is really working hard to save the hospital.  I just wish the Democratic leadership would realize that by working with the Republicans, the Democrats get nothing and look like fools.  The Republicans spend and spend and spend.  The Republicans almost drove our town into the same problems the school and hospital have.  It is disgraceful for Jimmy Bertino to give his own company town business before even asking the rest of council.  If the Democrats work with Hammonton First, the town would be better off.


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The Hammonton Democrats will work with anyone who puts the best interest of all Hammonton Residents first.  The mayor should be working hard to save the hospital.  It is a very important fixture in Hammonton's public saftey and it benefits all residents.

In response to your last comment, "If the Democrats work with Hammonton First, the town would be better off."  The town would be better off if all political parties always had the best interest of all residents as their main concern, and would work together towards this goal.  This, however, is not always the case.  The Democrats, will work with anyone towards a goal benefiting all people in town. 



The mayor is working hard to save the hospital.  Right now, no Republicans or Democrat leaders have come out at all to help.  The leaders don't have signs in front of their homes!  They aren't even promoting to help the hospital.  They are just attacking what the mayor is doing!

It would be best if the Democrats show their support and work together with the mayor in a spirit of teamwork.  EVERY Democrat should have a sign, if for nothing else than to support the hospital unions.



I haven't seen any bashing from the Democrats against the Mayor. Opinions may have been expressed, but no bashing. As for lawn signs, I personally won't put one up because I don't feel the hospital in it's present form can be saved, some other hospital will have to come in and save it. And I don't think the other hospital will make their decision based on lawn signs, it will be based on what they can do to remake the hospital and turn a profit.

-- Edited by Admin at 09:36, 2006-12-10


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I'm sorry, but I have not seen 1 Democrat or 1 Republican attack the mayor for trying to save the hospital.


A sign on my lawn will not save Kessler.  AtlantiCare might.  A sign will not.  The Democrats have made it clear many times, that the town needs to preserve a hospital, or at least an emergency room in Kessler.




Tom, since you know nothing about business, let me help you.  Right now AtlantiCare is calling people around town to poll them about their opinion of Kessler.  They are asking what people think of the hospital.  Of course they are trying to find out if those opinions are positive or negative to determine if the facility is worth buying.

Putting a sign on your lawn shows you do think positively of the hospital and support it.  The mayor is out positively trying to help.  Democrats and Republicans are complaining and whining.  What are YOU doing to help?  That's right, nothing.



There were many Democrats at the mayor's chat even one of the Democratic candidatesm Diaz attended.  So either you don't know the truth or your lying.  This issue isn't a HF issue.  Why are you saying that Republicans and Democrats are against the hospital. It sounds to me that HF wants to use Kessler as a means to win the next election.  All you're trying to do is say you want support but are really hear to make the Democrats look bad.  Stop dividing us.



Did you ever think that they may be calling around town to find out what they need to do to fix the hospital and give us a 1st class facility. Honesty is the best policy. Everyone wants the hospital to stay in Hammonton, but if you are not being honest about the situation and are trying to manipulate the outcome, who knows what you might get. Whoever comes in here needs to know what they are facing. It is the only way they willbe prepared and deliver a facility that we will be proud of and will be here for many years to come. Stop making this a political issue and just tell the truth.


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So, what your saying is, if a company from out of town calls my house, they will see my sign through the telephone, and that will save Kessler?


If they call, I definitely speak of the importance of Kessler remaining in Hammonton.  I will tell them about the great care me and my wife have received at Kessler, and tell them how the wonderful nurses at the ER entertained my daughter when I had to get my finger stitched back on.


I have not heard any Democrat complain or whine about the mayor trying to help Kessler, that is ludicrous.


If you need me to do something to help, if you need me to be at a function to speak about the importance of the hospital, or if there is anything I can do to make a difference, call me: 704-1234.  In fact, if you really think is sign will save our hospital, drop one off at the house.




Why don't you get off your butt and get your own sign?  You wanted to be a leader.  Go and lead!



None of the Dems showed up at the council meeting last night, including Anthony Falcone, who still is on council until 12/31.  Now there is leadership!



Sometime family obligations come first, however some of us did watch it on Channel 13 and I taped it for the ones who couldn't and they will see it as soon as possible.


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I think everyone in Town would agree that we need a hospital in Hammonton. But questions arise as to whether people feel the hospital in it's present form can be saved.  Let's face it, the building itself is not aging well. There are leaks in the roof, the building is over 40 years old, and it is locked in so that no growth can occur. It is surrounded on all 4 sides by water or highways or houses. We definitely need an emergancy room in Town, but there needs to be a lot of discussion on what else needs to be included to make this hospital a profitable operation.

There were plenty of people willing to get up and discuss how the hospital was instrumental in saving the lives of their loved ones, and noone disputes that. However, there are a lot of bad stories that have come out of the hospital too. Now I know that can be said of any hospital but when you couple that with the fact that only 20% of Hammontonians go to our hospital, it is obvious that people do not feel comfortable going there. For whatever reason there is a poor perception of our hospital. If none of the stories are true or if there are facts to improve the image of the facility, then the biggest sin of the current administration is their lack of action in trying to change that image. Public Relations and Marketing could go a long way in repairing the image.

The Mayor needs to continue in his efforts to attract suitable partners for the hospital and we commend him for all of his diligence in this effort. However, make sure we are being honest with ourselves and that will also go a long way in helping save our hospital. 



Admin is right.  The Mayor is to be commended for his efforts to help the hospital.  While there are problems over there, we all need to work together.  Every leader of every organization should proudly be showing their "Support the Hospital" sign on the MIDDLE of their front lawn.

We need to realize that the fight to save out hospital is the most important issue today.  It won't be easy and everyone needs to work with the Mayor to achieve this goal.

No matter if you are Democrat, Republican or Independent, if you have an emergency you need medical care immediately.  Kessler can help save your life.



The Mayor is doing a great job, as pointed out by the Admin.  We need to follow his leadership to try to save our hospital.  Democrats, Republicans and Independents need to come together to put Hammonton first.



Democrats can come together with HF if they appoint Diaz, Glorioso, Santone or other Democrats to committees. If not it's all just talk about uniting Hammonton when in reality HF just wants it all for them to control not the people.



Santone is too lazy to go get his own save the hospital sign.  Would he even show up at a committee meeting?



Why won( the Democrats help the unions at the hospital?



This is the most important union issue in Hammonton in over a decade. The party needs to support their union brothers and sisters.



What can the Democrats possibly do to help out anyone at the hospital?  The Democrats don't have any say in local government right now, and it looks like they won't even get any appointments.


The best thing that could happen to the hospital would be for the board to step down and let AtlantiCare take over.



You are right. The Democratic Party in Hammonton doesn't matter. The Republicans are Hammonton's leaders. The Democrats are a waste.



The reason why Kessler has problems is because of Republicans. Why would you support the Republicans. What can the Democrats do on council if you want council to do something if there aren't any on it.



Are we better off today then last year is the common political question asked yearly?  I would add are we better off today then since Reagan came.  I would say, Hammonton has gone downhill since then. We had a few short spikes but the trend has been Hammonton not being a town for the average working class.  We don't matter anymore.  It's all about shrimp, champagne, golf outings, antique shopping, artsy fartsy society hill socialites. 



Why is Jim MacLane attacking the hospital?



Where are you coming from with your ridiculous statements. No one is against the hospital. Stop ruining Hammonton with your lies. The Mayor's chat provided nothing new. We stilll don't know what went wrong. No one wants to find out. I guess because no one really cares or has given up hope. At least this blog isn't afraid to ask the hard questions. Questions people refuse to answer to not incriminate themselves (I don't know) or to protec their own jobs.


RE: Mayor\'s chat , nothing new about hospital

The Democrats have done nothing to help the hospital. When are they going to do something specific? There are a lot of union jobs there!



It is nice to see the hospital situation is improving. The Hammonton News wrote how the Mayor is doing a good job working with them. They further wrote:


The latest visits come a few weeks after an out-of-state\\\"company visited Hammonton. Those representatives couldnt help but notice the Support Our Hospital signs dotting many lawns.


It is a shame that the Democrats have done nothing to reach out to help their union brothers and sisters at the hospital. As can be seen from posts above, they were to lazy to even go and get their own signs.


RE: Mayor's chat , nothing new about hospital

The way to support the hospital is to use it.  Having a lawn sign and then going to Virtua or Atlanticare anyway does nothing.  Stop making this hospital a political issue.



We have enough government interference in our lives.  The problems with Kessler are internal not political.


RE: Mayor\'s chat , nothing new about hospital

Democrats always want to interfere. They want to tax everything!


RE: Mayor's chat , nothing new about hospital

What a great job the mayor has done at the hospital. Their business has doubled since his Chat with the Mayor. This is the leadership our town needs!

Why are the Democrats and Anthony Falcone doing nothing to help their union brothers & sisters!



Prince John's efforts did nothing to find Kessler any partners.
It is a joke.



Anonymous wrote:
Democrats always want to interfere. They want to tax everything!
HF just wants to give jobs to family and friends.  They feel that they are entitled to it.  HF wants to cut the services that are important to the average taxpayer but might not be important to the rich elite.


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